Chapter 1

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I woke up with a migraine, my head hurting as though a ton of bricks had been thrown on it. Struggling before I finally sat up and checked my alarm clock. 11:30 am. I had to be at campus in a little over 5 hours. So that gives me more than enough time to pack up my stuff.

I kicked the duvet off my body and walked to my desk chair to grab my towel. Stretching my arms out lazily, I ran a hand through my hair and crossed my room into the adjoining bathroom.

I hung my towel up, stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the shower. Turning the knob till it was as cold as it could be and closed my eyes as I stepped under the spray.

I'd seen her. I'd seen her again but this time she was different. This time she was barely dressed.

No white clothing that normally adorned her beautiful body. Only a bra and barely there panties.

I could feel myself harden at the thought of her. Was she real or just a figment of my imagination? I had no idea. I have been dreaming about her for the last 2 months and every morning I would wake up with a near painful erection. Everyday, all day, she would be the only thing I could think about. But I've never seen her, ever. Not once. It was always blurred. Always.

"Zayn!" a gravelly voice shouted as the bearer knocked on my bedroom door. "Coming!" I shouted a quick response, turning of the shower and grabbing my towel at the same time.

I padded into my bedroom, quickly throwing on one of my many plain black t-shirts and a pair of grey joggers before heading downstairs.

My house was pretty simple. Not too big or too small, slightly modern with touch of old-fashion. Just right for a middle class family.

Almost as soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs my dad saw me. My dad and I don't look alike that much. He was way too clean cut where as I had tattoos over most of my upper body. My dad doesn't really like how he can't control me, well no one can anyways.

"Zayn..." he began but I cut him off.

"Wait," I said "I already know what you're going to say" I cleared my throat mockingly before I began to speak in his thick accent "Be careful, drive safely, no suspensions and try to be careful no to showing yourself." He grimaced, I smirked sardonically. This is how it has been every time I leave for school, it's like some fucked up tradition.

"Just send the money to my account." I said while patting him on the back.

"Okay." He mumbled turning away, clearly fed up with me "I'll call you." He said as he walked out of the room.

"Whatever" I said loud enough so he could hear me before I headed over to the breakfast table.

As soon as I entered the room I came face to face with my little sister, her green eyes staring scornfully at me.

"What Bree?" I questioned loudly.

"Nothing." Aubrey said smirking. Focusing on the plate in front of her, I raised it slightly off the table so that it was pointing at her lap. "Say it or breakfast is on you."

"Fine" she said "but not until you put my plate down." I lowered her plate of eggs and bacon on the table before going to stand in front of her.

"Sometimes you should actually listen to what dad has to say before you him off like that." The fourteen year old groaned. "What he really wanted to tell you was that granddad got you an apartment a couple of minutes away from campus that way it would be easier for you to hide your powers."

"Granddad." I said blankly "So the little fucker of a man decided to get me a damned apartment as a "sorry I screwed up your life" present."

Aubrey just laughed at my words. "He didn't screw up your life Zayn, nobody did. This is just who you are, who he is and we all just have to deal with it." Then she looked at me accusingly "Its not like you don't use them anyways. I know you love to control things that aren't alive."

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