Hello shit, meet the fan

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 I was a couple of minutes away from the campus when I started getting all jittery.

"Calm down Haven." I muttered to myself as I maneuvered my way to the school.

Truth be told I was a far cry from calm at that moment. Me? Calm? No...I was so nervous I was actually considering turning around. I was going to a place where I knew no one at all.

I ran a hand nervously through my hair. It's just a first day thing; by the end of the day I would be perfectly fine. Right. Yeah, I was having a hard time believing myself on that one.

A number of failed internal pep talks and 5 minutes of driving later, I had finally reached entrance of the damned school that was getting me all edgy. Attending the university of California state was like a dream that I still couldn't believe had come true. I visited with my high school a few months ago and just feel in love with its beautiful landscape.  Ever since then I couldn't even bear the thought of going to any other university.

I was ripped from my thoughts when there was a single tap at the door of my liberty.

I quickly rolled down the darkly tinted window to an unpleasant looking woman with a university name tag on her chest. Mildred. Can't say the name doesn't fit her. It wouldn't kill her to smile though.

"Student or visitor?"

"Student" I replied briskly.

She scowled like I had said something horrid then she nodded, pointing in a direction to the left. "Go that way so that you can get registered."

"Okay ma'am. Thank you." I said cheerfully, earning me another distasteful look from the woman as I pressed the car forward and turned in the direction she indicated.

I was not surprised to see a huge parking lot with numerous vehicles. Tables manned by girls with fake smiles where set up around the lot. There were banners everywhere, to welcome new and old students, asking them to join frats, tutor adverts.  

Thankfully the place wasn't really packed so it wouldn't take that long for me to get registered.

Just as I found a parking spot my phone my phone buzzed, notifying me that I'd just received a text. Pulling it out, I swiped the screen to find that I actually had two messages. I opened the newer one which was from my mom first.

We hope you're all right,

Please call us when you're settled in.

We love you.

I smiled to myself as I quickly typed in a short reply, telling her I was fine and that I would call her when I was fully settled in. She could be a real pain most of the time but she still cared.

After replying her message, I opened the other one which was from the school itself.

Table No.437,

Registration No.1097.

Once I'd read the message I locked my phone and stuffed it into my pocket before grabbing the binder that held all the papers that would be used for my registration inside, then I opened the door of my car.

After about 5 minutes of searching in vain for the table, I was about to give up and sit in a corner to wallow in self-pity, because I can't find a stupid table!, When there was a light tap on my shoulder.

"You need help?"

I smiled as I turned around to see a girl with a petite stature and brown hair styled into a pixie cut. I bet the hair style was supposed to make her look edgy but she just looked cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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