Chapter 30

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I found packing easier to do when I kept my mind blank. If I didn't think too hard about my current situation, things were manageable, and that's how I needed them to be. Eren depended on me now. He couldn't fend for himself the way he used to, so I couldn't allow myself to crack under pressure. It fell on me to get us out of here in one piece, and only after we found shelter would I think about our next step. Until then, I would do what needed to be done.

So, I packed. Since there weren't many bags to choose from here at the lab, Isabel ended up giving me the duffel bag she'd brought with her. Now, with it opened at my feet, I stood alone in a pantry Hanji had filled with nonperishable food. I'd only take what Eren and I would need to make it out on our own for a week or two. Considering we wouldn't have any appliances at our disposal, I filled half the duffel bag with beef jerky, canned fruits and vegetables, some granola bars, boxed juices, and a few packets of crackers. It wasn't much, but it would get us by until we got our feet on the ground.

While I rummaged through a box filled with power bars, Hanji came into the pantry with some other supplies. She knelt to put them in the duffel bag, then froze. "That's all you're taking with you? Those are dinner scraps."

"It's enough," I assured her.

"You and I both know that isn't true. Take some more. You'll need it."

I rubbed at my temples. I could feel a headache coming on. The last thing I wanted to do was argue with her. "You and the others need it more than we do. It's not that big of a deal. Eren and I will manage."

"Are you sure about that? I don't think Eren will be of much help to you."

"Stop," I said.

She raised her hands up. "I'm just trying to level with you here. Eren's fighting to stay in control—I can see that much for myself—but out there it will be a lot harder for him. You're bound to come across others like us. What will you do if one of them is an omega?"

"We're bonded. He won't be satisfied with any other omega. You know that."

"He won't care about satisfaction. Instincts will summon a side of him he can't resist. He'll do the natural thing—"

"That's enough!" I snapped, not wanting to hear the rest. I picked up the duffel bag and slung the strap over my shoulder. "I have other things to do before it gets dark out. I don't have time for this."

As I walked passed her, she took hold of my arm to keep me from leaving. "Levi, please reconsider staying here with us. We can find a way to make this work. With your arm the way it is, you won't last long out there, and I'm sure soldiers will be tracking Eren. Will you be able to defend yourself if they decide to attack?"

"If I stay, they'll attack this place."

"What makes you think they won't anyway?"

I shook her hand off. "They won't."

I walked out of the pantry and returned to the room I'd left Eren in. The moment I pushed open the door, he had his arms around me. He buried his face against my neck and sought out my scent gland with his teeth. He bit down until the bond mark reopened under his mouth. Like this, our bond deepened, and I could feel how much this comforted him. It comforted me too, all the worries of what would happen to us melting away.

"I wasn't gone that long," I said, sensing how much being away from me agitated him. With the mark opened, I could sift through his thoughts, his emotions. Being connected to him like this intoxicated me. I never wanted it to end.

He eased his head back. "Don't trust Jean."

"I know, and you won't have to worry about him soon. We'll be leaving in an hour. I packed us some food and medical supplies. It should last us for a couple of weeks. The only thing we'll have to worry about after we find a place to stay is finding some clothes."

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