Chapter 8

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Bundled up in Eren's arms, our scents interwoven under the thick blanket that covered us, I didn't want to move an inch. I wanted to stay just like this, with our bodies pressed together in a secret that no one but the two of us would know. As I looked at him in the darkness of his room, I knew that I had been altered somehow. The hatred I wanted to feel towards him wouldn't take, no matter how much I wanted it to. In its place was unconditional tenderness that tugged at my heart. I wanted to protect him from any harm that may come his way. I wanted him to be happy.

Moving closer to him in such a way that wouldn't disturb his arm around my waist, I swept back the hair that tumbled onto his forehead to gaze at him without worrying about him reacting to my touch. In sleep, his face was made serene, every muscle relaxed under the blue glow coming from the digital clock behind me on the nightstand. He was so gorgeous. The tight knot that had formed in my stomach while looking at him had nothing to do with instincts. Even if I were human, and not an omega, I would be attracted to this alpha.

"You're mine," I whispered, testing out the words. I liked the way they sounded, although I didn't know how long they would remain true. If Erwin was right, then one day Eren would tire of me not letting him mark me. He would leave and find an omega that was willing to let him claim them in every way. The thought angered me. I didn't want another omega anywhere near him. "You're mine," I said again, pushing my face into his neck to suck at the skin over his scent gland. I wanted to leave physical evidence behind, something everyone could see, but who was I trying to convince? Everyone else? Or myself?

As I sucked harshly on his neck, Eren began to stir, little noises rising from his throat. I needed to pull away before he could rouse completely, but when his hands slid under my shirt, palms hot against my skin, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I needed him to touch me. My body craved this alpha in every possible way.

My alpha. My alpha. Need your hands on me.

Eren nosed his way to my neck and I heard him groan right before his lips were on my scent gland. I felt his teeth graze over the sensitive skin there, but I didn't push him away. It felt too good to have his mouth on me, to have his hands pulling me closer to him. Our bodies slid against each other's as he licked and mouthed at my throat in a frenzy that caused me to reach up, frantic with desire, and tangle my fingers in his hair. His hot breath rushed over my skin in response, yanking an incoherent sound from me that in turn drew a growl from him. An alpha answering his omega.

He wanted me just as badly as I wanted him.

"Please," I pleaded, unable to recognize my own voice. It was high and gravelly.

Within a matter of seconds, everything changed. Eren flung himself back, scrambling onto the floor, where he fell to his knees and looked at me with such fear in his eyes that I knew he had been doing all of that unconsciously. He had woken up when I'd said something.

"I'm so sorry," he said, his scent changing as he spoke the words. He was submitting. Showing me that he wasn't a threat to me in any way. "I don't know what happened... I didn't mean to do that." He looked at me, imploring me to say something. "Levi?"

"It's me who should be apologizing to you. I caused this."

He shook his head. "No, I should've been able to control myself—"

"Eren," I interrupted, "you were asleep and I practically attacked you. You're not at fault."

His brows furrowed in confusion. "You attacked me?"

"Feel your neck."

Slowly, he reached up and ran his fingers over his scent gland, touching the tender skin. His eyes flicked back up to mine. "You were awake when you did this?"

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