Chapter 6

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Jay and Logan walked around and made sure that everyone was fine. There were lots of people with bruises and some minor cuts. People kept coming in as time wore on.

They handed out supplies to those who needed them. After a while, fewer and fewer people came in until they no longer came in. There was almost less than half of the people than there was at the original hideout.

"I don't think anyone else will be coming." Jay said.

"No. I don't think so." Logan agreed.

"We need to get Addison." Jay said.

"Tonight. If we go now, we might still get caught." Logan said.

Jay grumbled. "I could take them all on."

"Really? Because I remember having to save you." Logan said.

"Pft. I was ambushed."

"Let's go see if the boss made it back."

The backup hideout was kind of similar to the layout of the old one. They made their way to the room that was apparently the boss's room.

They opened the door and Jacob was sitting in his chair behind the desk.

"How many people made it?" Jacob asked.

"Less than half. We're glad that you made it." Logan said.

Jacob sighed. "That's less than I was hoping for. We aren't going to be going on missions for a while. No one that stays here is allowed to leave. Only people who live with families."

"Jacob, sir. Addison is still at the old hideout. I have to go get her." Jay said.

"Are you willing to risk getting caught?" Jacob asked.

Jay nodded. "Yes. I'll be going to get her tonight."

"Just as long as you don't. Turn. Us. In." Jason said.

Jay gave a low growl. "I won't."

"You better not." Jacob harrumphed.

"Anything you need us to do?" Logan asked.

"Just make sure that everyone has every thing they need." Jacob said.

Logan nodded. "Right."

They left the room and headed back out.

Jay turned to Logan. "I'm going to go get something to drink." He headed over to the food and drinks counter and ordered a soda.

"Why is everything such a mess?" He groaned. He looked around the hideout at everyone moving around. Logan turned and came over to Jay.

"Hey. What's going on?" Logan wondered.

"I'm just stressed. My life is just falling apart. It's been heck-tick, even before I left the ninja. I have to get Addison back. She's the only thing that has gone right for me. Other than meeting you guys." Jay said.

Logan said down next to Jay. "Look. I'll help you get Addison tonight. I know how much she means to you."

"Thanks. It's important. This means a lot."

Logan smiled and patted Jay on the back. "We'll get going tonight." He stood up and left to talk to some of the others who made it.


The ninja watched as the police took people to the cars.

"No sign of Jay or Logan."  Lloyd said.

"What about Addison?" Kai asked.

Nya shook her head. "Neither of those three have been taken or seen."

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