Round 3- Twisted Chase for the Super-powered Undead

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Stokes is running down the streets of the Military Base that's on full lockdown trying to contain the dead, the alarms sounding in the distance it's the Chemical Alarm but Stokes knows it's not chemical it's some sort of Biological Taboo. Stokes saw what was left of a soldier & squats down taking the holster for his pistol, the assault rifle along with the magazines & grabbed his radio and said into the radio "This is Specialist Stokes is anyone there?" He says as he repeats his message and finally got a response "Specialist Stokes this is Staff Sargent Garrett, we hear you what's the current situation?" Stokes sighs and takes a deep breath and says "I'm in pursuit of the possible cause for this. It's someone with a Biological Taboo, they are extremely dangerous and should not be approached by regular soldiers." There was a silence, "I repeat the target is a Biological Taboo and sh-" before he could finish the Staff Sargent then said "We heard you but we can't leave that thing to someone who can feel sympathetic. We are dispatching experimental Droids to combat it. Your orders are to join the perimeter to contain this threat." He grunts and throws the radio angrily, Stokes then says "Like hell I can simply let a Taboo user who's easily a Category 5 Threat Level, like that go to cheap drones!" He says as he runs after the Taboo user that he assumes is Zerø, as he ran he saw other people he assumed as well are Taboo Users because there's no way a normal human could survive in this hellscape that was once a military base; he followed the small group they weren't in any military clothing he's seen before, they wore what one would simply describe as a Ninja outfit full on black spandex type suit that covered their entire body. The group consisted of three people one in the lead he assumed was their tracker since they seemed to know where to go, they were tall and had a lean highly toned body & hanging on their side they had a katana sheathed, the one following behind was shorter they had features of a woman but also seemed rather muscular they had a shotgun holstered across their back and the third <resembled a mummy not much could be distinguished about them, they had what looked like black sleeveless shirt, black capri pants & black tennis shoes, what stood out of them was pale white wrapping material over their body with only their eyes visible. The mummy seemed to be completely unarmed.> As Stokes chased the ninjas, when the one with the shotgun saw him and quickly took out her shotgun and shot at him; Stokes quickly dodged and fired the assault rifle at them. The ninjas jumped down and took cover as Stokes peaked out the corner to see if they are there a shotgun blast narrowly missed him as Stokes opened fire at the source, he quickly reloads the assault rifle and then yells to the trespassers "Who are y'all?! You're clearly not military! Mercs? No, no private division would risk future contracts with a government in this level. You're probably hit men, professionals at that since you're not dead in this shit show." A zombie tries to grab Stokes but he enhanced his gloves and grab its head and crushes it between his fingers. Stokes looks over and sees the one with a katana emerge from the cover she unsheathes their sword and slashes it sending a gentle gust of wind, he laughs at the attempt but he saw a faint glimmer and suddenly his assault rifle was slashed to pieces; Stokes narrowly avoided that glimmer but still got some minor cuts. "That's peculiar indeed." Stokes says as he pulls out his pistol and supercharges it do the bullet has more bite to it, as the bullet traveled there was an explosion but the assailant remained unscathed; behind them their partners ran ahead to capture Zero. "I don't have time to play nice." He gives more power to the pistol and it went from firing a high powered rifle to firing a tank cannon at them, the same affect occurred but the explosion took some of the clothes off revealing that it was a female; she had a pixie styled bright teal hair and bright teal eyes the explosion also revealed what seemed to be a series of thin razor sharp threads surrounding her, they are scattered across the area but they all seem to connect to her sword. Stokes smirks "Oh that's your power you command Sharp threads to slash your enemy. Simple but effective against someone like me." He says as he fires again at her trying to get a better baring of the threads, they seem like mines they have a range that the can be affective in, each shot caused an explosion but revealed a loophole in her power; the threads can't seem to cut around her in a certain radius. Once he got the basic idea he smirks and tosses the now empty pistol to the side which got sliced to pieces, Stokes then pulls out a knife and powers it up with the same green roots as before on the pistol; Stokes takes a running position and lunges at her doing a Suicide Run. The female was caught off guard and prepared to slash him with her katana as he's slashing through the seemingly invisible wires with such ease, there's no way a regular knife could cut those wires; Stokes grinned sinisterly and did one final lung to close the gap the girl drew her katana to slash Stokes but Stokes cut through the sword and all she saw was his red eyes glowing with a sinister grin and a silhouette and the knife silver blade with the pulsating green roots slashing her throat causing the blood to erupt from the wound. Without a second thought he sheathed his knife and ran after the remaining two Ninja's & Zerø, he can't let either escape the base. <The scene fades to Stokes growing more and more distant.>

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