Round 2- A Twisted Fiend has Emerged

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Stokes remain sitting in his seat listening to his music as the convoy brought the prisoner so cleverly named 'Zerø' to the for to be held for interrogation. Once the convoy came to a stop Stokes was dismissed and was sent back to his barracks for some Leave, Stokes saluted the officer and went to his barracks which didn't really standout compared to the others he had a tv with a game station and some other personal items. Stokes change into his red t-shirt with jeans and tennis shoes, he looks at a pair of driving gloves on his nightstand and looks at them sighing as he puts them on; he turns on the TV which went straight to the news talking about the tank shoot out with the giant. He remembered burning the giant alive & shooting him in the head, he sighs and says "Why did I do that? He was at the point where capture was easiest, what compelled me to take his life?" He looks at his gloved hands and clinched the fist as he listens more to the news as they talked about a strange string of cannibalistic murders that seem random & unconnected, "Geez the world has gotten crazier than it was a few years ago." He says chuckling and rubbing the back of his neck as he laid in his bed and decided to take a nap when he heard an alarm sound on base it was the Chemical Breach Alarm, Stokes quickly stands up and is about to run out the door when a strange flesh tentacle busted through his window and wrapped around his throat and pulled him out making a hole in the wall. Stokes crashes into a car feeling a few of his ribs crack, he groans and says "Shit the fuck hit me?" He looks at the flesh tentacles trail and sees a large hulking man wearing what seems like a full body suit & a large over coat, the tentacle still wrapped around Stokes throat starts squeezing and strangling him; Stokes feels his eyes start to bulge from his head. In the edge of Stokes' eyes he sees a 9mm just in his reach all he has to do is get it and he'll have the tools to kill this monster, as he reaches the creature smashes Stokes into the car a few more times as his body went limp. The creature chuckled thinking it won and drew the tentacle back to its body, once the tentacle returned completely something hit the creature with enough force it threw it back into the barracks wall; Stokes is alive and coughing as he stands up and continues shooting with the gun he grabbed his hands (& forearms) have glowing green roots that lead up to the 9mm pistol in his hands. The pistol fired as if it were an armor piercing rifle; as Stokes fires the pistol he slowly chipped away at the creatures bizarrely durable body. "Shit! Go down!!" He yells as the creature jumps high into the sky and a good distance away from Stokes, he looks around and sees what seems to be zombies from zombie soldiers to zombie dogs and trees. His eyes widen "SHIT! If that thing gets out this shit spreads!" He runs after the Monster. <Scene cuts there with 'The Chase is On' written in bold>

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