Chapter 7

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I need you guys to get the comments up on these chapters and stop ghost reading lol But seriously, I'm trying to have this book finished by June at the latest and I have time to write since I'm not working because of this virus and because I've graduated from undergrad this week (virtually lol). I'm not taking classes this summer, so I'll have time to write before I start my master's in the fall. So get the comments up so I can know that you guys are interested in this book.


I walked towards Amber's home, which was the house I grew up in with my Dad

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I walked towards Amber's home, which was the house I grew up in with my Dad. I hadn't seen this house in years, and was glad about it. I just didn't have a good feeling in my stomach about coming back to this place, because the last time I was here, I was beaten, abused and watched the love of my life and his cousin get killed. This was the last place I wanted to be.

But I walked up to that house with confidence though. It's been five months of sitting in that motel and I wasn't going to let Amber see that I was still afraid of her. She can't do anything to me now that I've got my strength back and I have King on my side now. I mean, I'm sure he won't go against Amber, but I don't think he'd let me get hurt either. And if all else fails, I have the secret of King's true identity on Amber and I'll go running my mouth as soon as she's feeling froggy because she doesn't have anything on me anymore.

The way I see it, I have the upper hand, so it's nothing for me to be afraid of anymore. If Amber wants to meet with me, then I'll give her the meeting she wants. I'll even cooperate since I've been doing that for years, but trust and believe this is the last time that I'll be doing it though.

Besides, I need this closure. I hate that King sprung it up on me, but I needed closure to what the hell she put me through for so many years. I mean, what started off as a sick joke just to fuck with me became cruel as months, and eventually years passed. I just want to know what would possess someone to make someone else's life so miserable, that they'd lock them in a brothel, steal their identity and then steal their child. You gotta be real sick to pull some shit like that off.

"Don't be nervous," King spoke lowly as we walked up the dirt drive-way to the house. I swear, the closer we got, the more anxious I got. Part of me was nervous, but another part of me was kind of excited to see this bitch. "Mama's not here right now because she doesn't want to see you until you're dressed to her liking or some shit like that. She had a stylist come over to get you together before she comes over to see you."

I rolled my eyes. "That bitch," I mumbled. I wanted to say something else, but I decided against it. Even though Amber wasn't his real mother, that's who he thought she was and I couldn't blatantly disrespect her to her face. "Alright, that's fine."

By the time we made it to the house, I wanted to break down and cry. So many memories of my childhood rushed me as soon as I stepped foot inside. Nothing had changed in the 25 years that I'd been held captive, which surprised me. I figured Amber would've done all she could to erase anything before she came around but she didn't. I could still imagine myself running up and down the manila carpeted floors of the house playing with my imaginary friends since I didn't have any siblings at the time.

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