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Skylar was thinking of ways to get rid of Sofia, then she umps into Clio and Hildagard and asks them if they want to get rid of Sofia they say Yesss. SO they would kidnap Sofia and they would help Hugo find her so there plan has started.      

                                                                                                        Sofia pov  

I woke up from my nap and heard Amber telling Clio and Hildy not to kidnap me. I ran to her room and said What????????? Who is kidnapping me???? Sofia calm down go to your play date with Hugo. Then Sofia heard Baliywick say Princess Sofia please come Hugo is waiting for you. OK Baliywick ! I said. I ran to my room and saw Hugo waiting for me. He ran up to me and wraped me in a big hug. Then he noticed I had been crying and he asked Soffye what happened? I over heard Amber, Clio, Hildy and Skyler talking about them kidnapping me and then they would try to help you find me and try to kiss you and become your girlfriend because you spend to much time with me.

                                                                                                   Hugo pov

 I tried to tell Sofia that everything would be ok and that when they would try to kidnap you I will came out of no where and make sure they don't. I hugged her and kissed her cheek she blushed then I wraped my hand around her waist and said I love you and kissed her it took a while for her respond but it was a good one she then said I love you to.

I will love you forever HugfiaWhere stories live. Discover now