Chapter 2

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 I had the most amazing dream! Sofia exclaimed at her sister, Amber. Amber said I bet I know what it's about! James heard this and said what is it about! Oh, it' about a certain someone who's name starts with H and rhymes with yugo. James exclaimed and innocently said Hugo! Amber said spot on! This made Sofia blush so much she looked like a rose.

The next day at school Sofia bumped into someone who looked just like Hugo. She got up and said Hugo?????? and it was indeed Hugo he said Sofia!!!!! They shared a long hug. It turns out Hugo just moved to this school. All there classes where the same. They especially enjoyed Enchanted Ice Dancing but you probably already know about that. They became best friends and they started to feel nervous around each other. Everyone noticed  and would tease them they where precious. 

One day a problem arose. Princess Hildagard still did not like that Sofia and Hugo where hanging out. Hildagard tried everything to get Hugo's attention but she never succeeded. She soon found out Zander was the one for her. Sofia was happy for Hildy and she was happy she was not jellous anymore. 

I will love you forever HugfiaWhere stories live. Discover now