Chapter 26

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Carson's POV

"Why don't you go jump in the shower while I get everything set up?" Jay asked as we walked into our house with all of our bags from our little shopping excursion.

I agreed, setting the few bags I was carrying down before heading upstairs with my newly purchased hair products and into the master bedroom. We were still in the process of unpacking all of our things and settling in. Jay and I also bought new furniture that was going to be delivered in a few days; it was coming together, slowly but surely.

After grabbing some clothes from the half-full closet, I went into the bathroom and began stripping as the water warmed up. Looking into the mirror, I still saw all my imperfections: skinny in the wrong places and gaining weight in the places I really wished I wouldn't, freckles that were everywhere, and just everything I hated about myself.

Two positive things for every negative you think of. Liz's voice reminded me in the back of my head. I could do that.

Skinny and fat in the wrong places: I can run faster than Jay because my body doesn't have as much bulk and I'm gaining weight to eventually carry our kids and have a family.

The freckles that littered my face: my grandma always said they were kisses from angles and I could live with knowing I was kissed by thousands of angles and my hair was a work in progress but getting there; I could practically see our kids running around with curly hair that was untamable but with the brightest smiles. Laughing because Jay did something silly; he was going to be an amazing dad.

So will you, you're a natural. Issac commented, and I didn't have it in me anymore to disagree.

Yeah, I could do this.

-- -- --

"It is so fucking cold holy shit," Jay groaned as I helped him apply a facemask. I laughed lightly but continued to put it on his face. Between the dozen different masks he got, he opted for a hydrating one on his cheeks and a smoothing on along his t-zone.

I was sat on the bathroom counter with him between my legs as I put the mask on him while he applied one to my skin. It was nice, comfortable. When both of our masks were on, we headed downstairs to eat our dinner and start a movie. Before I reached the last step, Jay was covering my eyes and leading me into the living room.

"Even though we're mates and all, we haven't been on a proper date yet, so I thought why not create one here!" With that, he uncovered my eyes and let me take in the scene in front of me. The living room was rather dark with the only light illuminating from the TV; there was a huge air mattress on the ground covered in blankets and different pillows. There were a couple of candles lit throughout the room, but the scents mixed well with ours; it was perfect.

"You didn't have to do this, but I appreciate it," turning around, Jay had his eyes solely focused on me and a light blush on his cheeks.

"It's no big deal; besides, I wanted to do something for you. You've been working so hard these past few weeks, and I am so fucking proud of you, dollface." He pulled me into a light kiss, minding the masks on both of our faces, before pulling the two of us towards the bed he made and taking our food out.

The two of us ate in comfortable silence with When Harry Met Sally playing in the background. Once our timers went off, we paused the movie and took our face masks off before doing an entire routine Jay decided was necessary. There were oils, pore strips, toners, and more that we spent half an hour applying. It was fun, and I wasn't focusing on the fact that I just ate a good amount of carbs.

When we got back downstairs, Jay pushed me face-first into the bed with a demand to take my shirt off so he could give me a massage. A bit self-consciously, I pulled my shirt off before laying back down; Jay grabbed out some oils and poured some between his hands to warm it up before beginning to massage my shoulders.

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