Chapter 24

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Jay's POV

The last week and a half had been eventful, to say the least. Carson was finally on his plan to help him recover from his eating disorder and going to therapy twice a week; while things weren't necessarily perfect, they were better. It was an uphill battle, to say the least, but that was okay. He and his dad went to the follow-up appointment with his nutritionist, Mike, yesterday because I've been busy preparing for the alpha title transfer; I was going to be the alpha tonight.

"Where ya going?" Carson groaned when I kicked one of the many boxes spread throughout the room, on my way out the door. It was only 8:00 in the morning, but I had some final details to sort through with my dad before we finally transferred the title in 12 hours.

"Just to finish up some stuff before tonight, don't worry your pretty little head about it. Go back to bed." I walked over and placed a kiss on top of his bed hair before heading back towards the door.

"Okay, have fun; I'll find you later," Carson mumbled before turning back over and curling into my side of the bed making me smile unconsciously.

"Let me know when you eat breakfast," and with that, I was heading downstairs and over towards the meeting house where the leaders' offices were along with the meeting halls used for when other packs came in. I was meeting my dad, Sean, Miles, and Jack-our new gamma seeing as Miles would be moving up to beta now.

We decided to pass the titles sooner than later because we felt it was just time at this point, and Carson and I agreed it would help give him something concrete for focus on while he was going through his recovery process and sorting through his life with his therapist; she also agreed it would be nice to give him something else, aside from himself, to focus on. Luna duties would be perfect for him.

Mike, his nutritionist, was as proud as ever with the progress and promise he was making in such a short period of time. Not going to lie, he did throw up a couple of times, but it became easier and he started going to me when he felt the need to do so. Carson has been stronger than I ever thought someone could be. He was opening up about some things that had happened to me and his dad, and I know his dad was both angry and hurt that he was seemingly blind to everything before.

They were beginning to repair their relationship, however, and I know both were starting to get as close as they were when Carson was growing up.

On the other hand, I was ready to kill his so-called-mother for making someone so precious hurt as she had. It also hurt to know this was all going on while we were together pretty much every day, and he always had some excuse that I believed without questioning the repetitiveness of the excuses. It made me sick to think about it.

"Can you believe how grown up they all are? It feels like just yesterday they were little boys running around the lands refusing to put clothes on, and tonight Jay will be the alpha, Miles will be beta, and Carson will be taking over as luna ." I could hear our parents talking as I approached the alpha office. My dad was moving all of his things out and into a house he had built a few years back for him and my mom for when I took over.

I walked into the office to see Sean, Zayn, my parents, Miles, and Jack all helping put things into boxes to be carried over. Starting tonight, this would officially be my office, and then it would be my kids. It was an odd feeling because all I had ever known was my dad in this office; as much as I dreamed about becoming the alpha and eventually taking over, I never thought to be standing here.

"Are yours and Carson's things packed? I'd like to get that stuff moved into the house now that it's painted." My mom asked when she saw I was there. I nodded and her and let her know that we had some people helping move everything over around noon; it gave Carson some time to wake up and eat some before things needed to start getting done.

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