chapter nineteen

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I stare at the dark ceiling. Looking at the metal grated holes, wondering if there is anything above me: a vent or room directly overhead. 

I've been thinking the same thing every night since I got here five days ago, I only know the number of days because of the marks I make on the plastic wall. 

I miss Newt, my brother, everyone else back at the safe haven. There is not a second that I'm not praying and hoping they are okay. 

My body aches with physical pain too, bruises cover a large fraction of my limbs. I can barely find energy to move or even blink, I am paralysed.

A bright light suddenly floods the room, my eyes cower at the sudden brightness. 

"Up, now." I recognise the guard's stiff and rough voice. I am already conditioned to get up and follow his orders, despite the horrible suffering I'm in. I know what will happen if I disobey.

I grab a robe from the side and slowly get up towards the large doorway where he grabs my arm and leads me through the lit but empty hallway. I wince as he touches my bruised arm and glare up at his emotionless face that looks straight forward.

We move to a steel door and I immediately know where we are: my face is drained of any colour and I suddenly try to muster some strength to pull away from the guard.

"No! Don't bring me back! I've told you everything I know!" I scream, kicking and pushing the guard away as his grip only strengthens. I use all my strength to try and get him away but it was no use, he was always stronger.

The door opens automatically and I am placed in the room, the room I hated so dearly. 

It only contained a single chair where I was always strapped, no matter how hard I fought back. Every single one of my limbs were fastened by a strong belt, I was being held down. Then a single light would be placed in front of me and the guard would leave. But I was not entirely alone.

"Hello Elodie." The woman's voice boomed over a speaker somewhere in the room.

"What the hell do you want from me?!" I shout, still trying to wriggle my way out of this chair.

"I've informed you before, Elodie, you withhold some very important information that my organisation needs." She almost sounds automated, but saying my name confirms that a real person is watching me.

"You mean WCKD?! They deserve nothing for all they've done." I spit up into the air, it lands on the floor beside me. Not a moment to spare, a surge of excruciating pain shoots up my neck that makes me shriek. 

"Don't make this harder Elodie. We've played this before." The voice has no emotion, even though she can clearly hear my piercing screams "You know something Elodie."

"I don't know shit. I've told you!" I scream back. Another dosage of electricity shocks my leg and I yelp again.

"What did the people in the Safe Haven tell you about their plan?" The voice repeated the same question that she had been asking the last five days.

"They didn't tell me jack-shit! I'm telling you: we spent a minimum of like five hours there before we were raided by you assholes!" Another pain, this time in my left arm. I scream more.

"Our source tells us that your little group knew more." 

"Bloody Teresa." I'm still in disbelief at her betrayal, this is the first time they mention her. "Fuck you, I trusted her! She ruined everything for the Safe Haven and we were supposed to make it. She was my friend." I begin to stifle a cry but it doesn't come out since I've cried so much since I got here, I am becoming numb.

"Do you know why she is like that Elodie?" I am surprised that there is no electric shock this time around. "She is tagged, she is The Betrayer, she was always loyal to WCKD we just aided her vision in seeing what was really right." 

"I don't understand.." My brain is exploding with information.

"All of the test subjects are tagged." She states, "It is why we can always find you, why you are property of WCKD, it is the reason you're wanted by the safe haven."

My mind races back to that night with Newt, when he read those words at the back of my neck. 

"The Mistake." I recall. "Why am I the mistake?"

"Elodie, you were never meant to be in the maze. You are a mistake."

"How the hell am I a mistake, I thought the tests 'had no error' and were perfect?!" I shout, just wanting answers.

"You were a special case, you ran after your brother when you were not needed in the test anymore. You were supposed to a disposable candidate. You wonder why you knew you were with your brother when others knew nothing but their name: you were always a compromise to the tests." 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I was 'disposable', I was never meant to enter the Clear.

"You became a nuisance in the Maze Trials." She continues but my hearing is replaced with a buzz. "You have become a subject of no use and must be eliminated." 

After those words,  I am alarmed and get nervous about what 'eliminated' means? Is this is it?

I scream my lungs out but I know no one is listening or will help me, I've been doing the same thing for days and I'm still here.

A feeling of dread comes my way, I don't know what will happen to me.

Suddenly, a person hurries into the room swinging the door open and before I can say anything they inject a syringe of a substance I cannot name into my arm. I flail around as I try to keep awake but it's no use, I'm too tired to keep awake and then I suddenly fall hopelessly into darkness.


HEY GUYS! I've finally gotten around to finishing this book! It's taken two years but I made it! I hope y'all enjoyed and thank you so much for supporting this book, it's crazy to see over 10k reads

Also let me know if I should try to write a sequel! I'm super busy with school at the moment but I would love to begin writing as a side thing again so please let me know

And also know that this is not the last of Elodie, she will be back hopefully ;)

Love you guys xoxo, Ivy

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