chapter six

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Ear piercing screeches filled the air around Elodie and Newt as they stood up and looked for the cause of the sounds and shouts.

"Come on." Newt looked at Elodie with worry staining his eyes. "Stay close, I got a bad feelin' about this."

The two quickly joined the others at the main area. Elodie tried to stay calm and positive; maybe they found the lights and the other boys were just joking around, she thought. But at the same time, she felt like something was off.

"What's going on?" Winston asked, as everyone came together.

"I dunno." Frypan looked around for his answer.

"Hey!" Another shout was heard and this time two figures came into view; Minho and Thomas. Everyone was relieved to see them, but the two boys also seemed frightened and urgent as they ran frantically.

"Run!" Thomas roared, more of those screeches were heard and suddenly multiple zombie-like figures were visible and chasing them. "Go!'

"Oh shit!" Newt realised what they were saying and why and the others did too as they quickly threw on their backpacks and supplies. Next to her, Luke got ready quickly and turned Elodie around. With Newt not far behind, she started to run her little legs off.

Elodie didn't look back at whatever they were running from, she knew that if she did, she would stumble. She learnt this technique from the time she was running from the weepers in the maze.

The adrenaline pushed Elodie to push through to the front of their running pack. She had a very strong stamina and her feet moved quick without her even trying. She ran straight to the stairs and climbed them quickly, two at a time.

"Minho, Thomas what the hell are those things?!" Elodie heard someone call out.

"I don't know, just keep going!" Thomas shouted his answer back.

Elodie took a sharp left and more screams were heard; she stopped dead in her tracks.

The screams triggered a nerve-racking memory of the night of the attack. The darkness around her as she heard the screams of her friends, it made her face go pale. She stumbled backwards as it played in her head over and over, clouding her mind.

"Elodie!" Someone shouted, Elodie snapped out of her fear induced daze and saw that a horrifying creature stood right in front of her.

It was a human but with paler skin and melted flesh, it was thinner than a single piece of paper. Its clothes were ripped to shreds and its mouth was wide open.

She looked back quickly to see everyone running towards her and she then looked at the monster quickly coming her way, Elodie's eyes glanced at the piece of roof on the floor across from her.

She grabbed the piece and slammed it against the thing's body and it fell to the ground with a shriek. Aris hit it again with his baseball hat and this time it laid on the floor jerking awkwardly.

Luke grabbed Elodie's arm and they ran around to the other set of stairs as one of the monsters blocked the side where Thomas and Teresa had run. She ran behind the rest of the group, still shaken from the old memory that darkened her mind. As Elodie looked back she saw more following the group up the stairs.

"Come on quicken the pace Els!" Luke shouted back to her as he reached the top. Elodie shook herself out of the daze she was in and made her legs go quicker and she caught up with the rest of the pack.

As she ran, Newt joined Elodie at the back. She noticed that he had a slight limp as he ran which slowed him down.

"You ok Elo-" Newt was interrupted and cut off as another one of the monsters jumped at him from behind a window and knocked him down to the floor. Elodie jumped back, shocked by the sudden attack.

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