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My name is Dr. Mizukia of the supernatural branch in lab one and I was put in charge of the mysterious red rose. All of my statements that I placed in this report are mere observations for I'm not head of the supernatural branch and lastly I'm required to say that any untruthful statements will come back to me and not my employer. The red rose fell on September tenth at around 9:40 am. The location of where it has fell is unknown and we are still looking for its exact location, it was last seen over Canada. Prior to its landing strange lights were seen above all of Canada. The light can be compared to the aurora lights. Some speculation has led us to beleive that the rose may not have been red, or other colors of the same rose has fallen. The rose is approximately the size of a standered united states tank. In December of last year people in Canada are reported to have been doing "strange" things. One report says that they beleive they saw a person lift a car, another claims to have seen someone blend in with a building or pratically vanish. February of this year world wide reports of supernatural human beings are being reported. Government has deemed these beings with the name "Tickers". This name was beleived to have been given to them because in the eyes of a normal natural being they are ticking time bombs. The world seems to be adapting, almost like nothing is happening. In April riots began to break out, people claim its a disease and its powerful but deadly. In May we conducted out first experiment on a Ticker. They are just like you and me but they hold a sortof secret power. The Ticker we have brought in has the ability to turn their arm into glass like material and once restored vine like structures glowed from under the skin, a light blue color. We cut open their arm to find that the blood from a Ticker is lighter then a humans. These can't be people at all. What were those vines? In June we found another Ticker. This one could run at incredible speeds, faster then anything, but after doing so the same vine like lights appeared from underneath the skin. We killed the Ticker and found that its blood to was the same color as the previous one. We also found out that one of the lab assistant had a relationship with our last Ticker. Disgusting, they are not people and never will be. Some humans are rioting with the Tickers, running with the beasts is how they say it right? How repulsive. We have come to a conclusion of our reserach as we prepare to close down the lab, riots are forming right outside our doors. Don't trust the roses.

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