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Lolita has left the school again and Ophelia missed her. Primrose wore sunglasses on her face as she was incredibly hung over. Jason was practically dead she could see him at the Slytherin table, Dottie was reading a letter over and over, Ophelia furrowed her eyebrows, what had gotten Dottie all worked up?

Ophelia's owl dropped a letter in front of her, she recognized her father's handwriting immediately, she furrowed her eyebrows at how messy it was.

Little Lia,

Your mother is dead, killed by a Burlington. Under order of Grindelwald. We were played. Get out of the school now, you aren't safe.



Ophelia stood up immediately shoving the letter into Primrose's hand who sobered immediately at the information.

The Burlingtons. The motherfucking Burlingtons who killed her mum. Her mum was dead now. Her mother who loved her. Her mother who raised her. Her mother who didn't deserve to die. Her mother who regularly donated to charity. Her mother who was unfailingly loyal, was gone.

She began walking out of the Great Hall, quickly, she had to get to the greenhouses. Now. Her mother who loved her whom she loved was dead. Ophelia's eyes began to water at that.

And she had broken bread with a Burlington, Primrose knew that to follow Ophelia was dangerous but others didn't.

Primrose left the hall but not before collecting some of their friends to hide away.

Ophelia moves faster, she was a liability at this point if Grindelwald was out for Marigold blood she'd be dead. She would be sooo dead. In a very slow and painful way, forced to watch the same happen to her family.

Ophelia felt the sun on her rib cage burn. And it burned hard. She almost winced, Henry must be in danger too. How would she even get to him. She was in her uniform not exactly the most inconspicuous thing in the outside word. Ophelia was passing the front door to the school when it opened heavily, she tucked herself behind a statue, trying to calm her breathing.

"You get through the west wing, we'll look in the east. There is no way the Marigold will escape." He spoke in German, and Ophelia presses herself against the statue for fear life.

She heard them all retreat and then she heard screams and shattered glass as she began to run towards the green houses where she knew there would ba a fireplace she could use.

"Marigold!" Called a voice in a German accent, Ophelia drew her wand discretely and turned around as though confused.

"I'm sorry? My name is Rachel Smith." She said in a British accent, careful not to make eye contact.

The man seemed put off by this, and Ophelia's breathing slowed.

"I just forgot my books in the green house, silly me I suppose." She said and she turned around again infinitely greatful that the man didn't have a photo of her on him.

She heard the man walk away and ran down the steps and finally to the green room. Her eyes widened when she saw professor Sprout her hands raised behind a man.

"Expelliarmus." Whispered Ophelia without thinking and the mans wand flew to her grip he whirled around, she recognized him as Mister Burlington.

"Marigold," he said as he moved towards her but she raised her wand and he stopped moving, "Don't do anything you'll regret."

"Incarcerous." Said Ophelia and ropes wrapped around the man and he scowled at her

"Little Lia, how is big Lia? I suppose you are going to walk right in her footsteps." Said Arcturo Burlington, taunting her. It was a family trait she assumed.

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now