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"I did it." Whispered Ophelia, as Primrose sat next to her in the hospital wing. "We have immunity." Her left arm had been all but torn to pieces after a bomb went off but since the wounds were not magical she was expected to make a full recovery. "Tell me more about those dresses."

"Well there are two of them and I thought we could be matching but not address it at all. You know gaslight everyone." Said Primrose, as she set down flowers by Ophelia's bed.

"I love that plan, what colour are they?" Asked Ophelia and Primrose smiled.

"Purple," she said, "a royal colour felt only fitting."

Ophelia laughed as she drank more of the potion.

"What did you say to Riddle? He hasn't been able to even mention the head girl position in days." Said Primrose and Ophelia grimaced.

"I told him that I wasn't a concept, not an idea, or a fantasy, and that it wasn't fair of him to completely disregard me as a person with needs of my own." Said Ophelia.

"That just tore you apart, and I told you you'd enjoy that book." Said Primrose referring time the book on relationships she had leant Ophelia.

Because self help books can be really uplifting.

"Yeah, it was so empowering and I have now learnt not to seek validity in the happiness of tortured souls." Said Ophelia nodding and Primrose smiled.

"About damn time, and so mature too." She said.

"Great, now sauce me some of those jelly beans I'm famished." Said Ophelia, and Primrose laughed as she passed the Caron of Bertie Botts every flavour beans.

When Richard McKenna helped a very hurt Jason Finnigan into the hospital wing.

"What happened?" Asked Ophelia, throwing a jelly bean to get Ricky's attention.

"Dimwit here got himself in a fight." Said Ricky as Jason groaned and lay down, "I know he's your friend Ophelia, but- wait what are you doing here?"

"Unimportant, tell me about this fight." Asked Ophelia and Primrose rolled her eyes and groaned.

The matron rushes over to Jason and began to tend to him. Ricky sat beside Ophelia's bed next to Primrose.

"Your arm is completely-"

"Yeah yeah, no magical wounds I'll heal up in no time, is Jason alright?"

"She finds fighting sexy." Said Primrose in explanation and Ricky raised his eyebrows.

"What that's a lie, a vicious lie." Said Ophelia.

"I thought the book was going to prevent you from chasing tortured souls." Said Primrose, and Ophelia huffed.

"What book?" Asked Ricky and Ophelia reaches to her bed side table and handed him the book,

The Power Of Me, understanding relationships

"Bloody brilliant if you ask me." Said Ophelia, trying to ignore the sight of her own arm. "Now I don't have to see a shrink."

"You really should." Said Primrose, playing with her hair. "It clearly wasn't a hundred percent effective."

"I come from a culture of Irish muggles and a few though not all violent criminals." Said Ophelia,

"What?" Said Ricky, Primrose just shrugged

"If a someone can hold their own in a fight that's hot, oh Rosie don't give me that look," said Ophelia, "You like it too. When Henry had a black eye this summer you couldn't keep your hands to yourself."

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now