Dreams no one wants.... and tattoo's, and a party...

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I don't own any TV Characters, they belong to rightful owners.... I love Halloween and October so you might find more that seems really close to gather they will might just be a version to go with this part-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I was having so much fun at show and tell and getting that guy. It's Friday, and Im at work with the others csi from Vegas  left but we talk lot, profilers are still here... with New York, and NCIS. Steve's trying to get a date for the wedding out of me and I'm now terrified to have a wedding because of a dream I had a week ago. "Come on calleigh...I wanna get married before I turn 30"Steve said "your only 28"I said "see"He said "...Steve...I'm thinking okay..."I smiled "Is something wrong"Steve asked Pg JJ Emily Kono, and Chin looked up Danny was walking in..."..yea"I said I could not hide it any more "Whats wrong Calleigh come on you can tell me anything baby"Steve said "I I..."I was embarrassed to say any thing "It's okay Calleigh Do you wanna go in our office"He said "I'm not cheating Steven...remember I profile"I said "Yes but you keep avoiding the question"JJ said I look at her "I keep having dreams okay....and there not the dream's any one want..."I said "you mean a bride wants"Emily said "....yea.. Except normal one's like oh sometimes gonna go awry.. like your in laws gonna fight, or fight break out...there not those kind"I said tears coming up in my eyes "Is this why you stopped talking about everything for two weeks"Steve said I nodded "come on"Steve said "Wait ....I wanna here this so I know what I can to do to prevent this"Chin said and the others agreed "That's the thing....you cant prevent it.....it...was like it was a surprise attack...before I knew what had happen it was too late" i said and I broke down and told them "...were at some beach..and were getting ready to say I do...and ....you cant here a gunshot from miles away... but I did"I said tears falling "theres two...and before I know it you have hit the ground and Im down....and peoples screaming trying to take cover....and theres so much blood.... and Chins ....Joe is trying to find a pulse and chins start shaking me and my flower girl had got to us first... and shes crying shoaked in blood.... Its.. Grace..and no one can find were the shots come from and peoples just scrambling to take cover...and It...was too late"i said and I broke into raged anxiety sobs Steve pulled me to him and I just huged him griping him "you said you heard the shot... could you see were it came from were was you hit"JJ asked "I...I don't know"i said "cognitive invew could help mabey....something's telling you not to have the wedding and if we can identify the shooter we can just make him dissaper for a while"Emily said "...okay.. yes  yea"I said they sit me down and JJ does the intvew I have my eyes closed Steves right beside me holding my hands I "were say our vows."I said "were..geting ready to say I do"i wisper "Okay callegih... you have pervision... what beach are you at"JJ asked "wakiki"I wispered and I hear the gun shot I flinch jumping slightly I force my slef to say there I start crying realising and i turn every one is froze and i see the other bullett coming and I trace it and it comes from a apartment and its this man white... 20.... if that he's got a sniper thing and I pull out I grabed a paper I start drawling "lets go to the beach and we'll see"Chin said and danny called Mac, and Jo, Stella to get those dolls and arow things we go and we stand everones looking at us and I stand right were I was and place steve he grabs my hands they place the aros and sink them up and we find the apartment 'Were not having it in the sand for one"I said "good"Steve smiled and we nock its an old lady living there I take a breath smiling "Can I help you"She asked "...hi do you have a son"I asked "no..."Grandson" NO I smiled "thank you"i smiled takeing deep breaths. I was so stress free..after that were back at work and there talking about tattoos "I don't know Like Dereks Lion"I said "you ever getting one Kelly"Sam asked "Mabey...Im thinking about it"I smiled "what kind."Steve asked "...nothing big...mabey a heart..."I smiled  I was planing to get one "Really now you hate needles"Chin said "yea I know"I said "who did yours Steve"I asked some guy named Jo Jeffer they call him JJ hes a Navy SEAL I drawled out what I wanted and put the Steves name in it and the initialls of 5-0 around it "And I want Flicka on my ankel"I said "Ankels are tender"Steve said "why your horses name"Spencer asked "Flicka she reminds me of me so much.. wild but tamed shes still wild at the heart"I said "you think your JJ will give me it"I asked "sure...i'll call him"Steve said "he can come here if you like"Joe said "wouldnt that be trouble some"i said "Nah JJ can do tattoos anywere"Steve said and about fifteen minutes later a guy shows up looking like he's a navy Seal "so who's the bride to be"He asked I smiled "Hey names Calleigh"I smiled "JJ'he said "so congradulations"he said setting up steve had to go somewere "I want  one on my sholder too"I said "we can do that what do you want it to be"JJ asked "...can you do Steven J McGarrett in a heart shape ballon not to big but not too small'I asked "sure... thats it"he asked "no could you do two more balllons just color it in...."I smiled "ah kids"He said I smiled it was on the shoulder I was hit  a few days ago. he started and as soon as he touched it I said no "No no forget the shoulder"I said "Whats wrong you too of a wuss to go through with it" Deeks said "No I was shot in that shoulder you idiot...its still tender"i snaped "sorry."he said "and I anint no wuss...Deeks"I snaped and I went for the shoulder he got it colored in and started on my ankel for flicka I smiled I felt really rebelious "dads gonna kill me if Aunt Em does'nt first"I said Chin smiled "She has that look Chin...She's gonna breaksome laws..."Kono hollard Steve walked in "She's feling reblius"Danny said and PG played Dionne Bromfield – Move A Little Faster I smiled "ah... I wanna surf"I smiled "I wouldn't advise that"JJ said "I know infections..."I smiled "how you feelin"Steve smiled I bit my lip...."like... hmm... I wanna go terrin down a back rode dirtflying"I smiled "Last time you did that Calleigh we bout got arressted"Chin said I smiled "...But it was fun..and I talked us out of it ...hun as long as its a man I can talk us out of murdure"I smiled biting my lip "....she was a reblious child"Kono said I smiled "And dont you forget I'm still wild at heart no acadame... no drill sargent aint taming me"I smiled "I like this girl shes got spunk"JJ said "Thats why Im marring her"Steve said I giggled I told them once as  "I was driving down the street and threw a carrot out the window. A cop pulls me over and asks why? I said I'm baiting pigs and it look like i caught one."I said smiling and the bustid out laughing "Cop pulled me out though and I talked my way out....that was fun"I said and he got the tattoo's done "I smiled and it was beautiful "your good"i smiled and grabed my purse "no need your McGarretts chic and they don't have to pay"JJ said "Okay.. take it as ....a tip..bonus...here"I smiled handing him 500 dollars "I cant accept this"He said "yes you can and will"I smiled  "Let me see"Steve smiled excited I turned to him and he held my arm.... "cute"Steve smiled and reached down and wispered in my ear "its beautiful Calleigh thank you"He wispered I did get it cause of him I smiled and He kissed my neck "show him the other one"Kono smirked "Id have to sit down"I said walking and all of a sudden Steve's picked me up  (Calleighs tattoos- http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=62796799 ) I squeeled laughing and then chin grabs me and dons hands around my waist his hands sliped to my but by accident "Move your hands Detective Flack"I said "sorry sorrry"He said I smiled steve rolled my pant leg up and looked "...Flicka... cute...rebeling huh"he smirked "nope"I smiled and they set me down and we got a call it was a ....suspcous one and none of the HPD officers would go near it even duke woulding "Its Scarry"Gov Pat said so we go and its discusting five bodies and all blood drained and I get sick I hold my breath and a man jumped out I screamed he grabed me "NO no get off 5-0"I screamed Steve came runing he threw me in blood were wresting for my gun he kicked Im starting to freak out he pulls me up with the gun Im bloody I stop moving hes aiming at steve Danny Messer, Sheldon and Kono is coming from the back foward I didn't get a chance to tell steve my plan I grabe his arm and shuved him aganst the counter and steve pulls his gun down and I pick the guy up and slam him down to the ground and he kicked me in the face I pulled back hiting the floor in blood i grab the gun and I shoot the little light heding and it falls traping him every one comes in "I Quit I am not spending the rest of me life in blood"I snaped I was in shock kinda "Im done done done"I yelled getting up and I take off out the house Steve in tow with Danny.messer and danny williams and Jo Mac trying to convince me "no no i quit"I said i was in shock I pulled my shirt off my shoes I started my pants my rings  bloody me tattos I throw up cops come rushing foward "Get her hosed down"Steve yelled following me they grabed a hose from the neghbor I hold my arms out holding my breath..."Cal your in sock honey you aint quiting"Steve said "Why would I quit"I said smiling confused we closed that one up i took shows and test negative....

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