Imaginary Girl

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                                             The girl witha heart of bravery.

                The  greatest friend there is for me. Sister. a wish!  She is my bravery.

                 The girl who could have a heart of gold,but coveres with  self-doubt.

Ugly she says! Lies that is. When she looks in the mirror, all she sees is some other girl who she thinks is her,but just is an imaginary girl of her self doubt. She truly never see's the true her. An imaginary girl who she thinks is her,but isn't. Mustn't be. Everyone,but her sees who she really is. Someone who is normal,but isnt! The amazingly crazy imaginary bperson I have come to know. My imagnary best friend.The imaginary girl who never see her real meaning. This to some would sound as if this is a love letter, but a thank you. She has always been there. Imagninary to herself,but mot to me. Not to anyone SHe may these horrible things of her that aren't true. She is smart,brave,creative, and many things.

She is pure beauty. But, not perfect. Never perfect, but thats the best part of her. 

My imaginary sister. Best friend. Cousin.  Partner in crime. 

       The imaginary girl


Thanks for reading this. I know its short. I dedicated this one to my bestest friend in the world! 

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