My Little Reminders

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My little reminders

how they bring oh sweet memories!
I need them to see the truth.
My little reminders complete me
They show me how to be

They show me the paths of life
They show me how to strive
They show me the true emotions


Anger,Jealousy,fears. sadness

My little reminders show me the the truth of reality

What's underneath

Nothing is ugly,but perfect in its way.

There is no meaning of flaws, flawless.

Nothing is  PERFECT!

They've tought me this

My little remeinders


My second! yay! I love writing this when I'm bored! :) Thanks if you have read ts. Please vote if you think this good! If you want me to write something about you just message me an give me a shrt descirition ,sorry is that souds stalkish, it would help me right about you! Or just message or comment what I should write abou, because I need some ideas! Thanks!


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