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Ion understand what's going on , why is this happening, I'm sorry I should of been there, I'm sorry I couldn't save you I was weak and I didn't know that it was gonna happen I thought y'all were friends but people are so deceiving

You can't trust no one little sister she said

Why do you hate me so much I was only 13 what was I suppose to do your death made me who I am today and I'm getting worse my son and his father are gone too

And the person you killed for their death how about her?

It was a him, and no just his partner I haven't been myself lately I feel like I'm walking down a dark pit full of despair ion wanna feel like this

That my sister is hatred the same hatred I have for the bitch who birth me and the bitch name Sonya

I get mom ditched us when we where little but why do you still hate her I thought you forgave her

Your really dumb Cyn'Cere you think ima hate my mom over her leaving no she the one who -

Dream over

Cyn'Cere you good you were crying Naraji said

Yea I'm good just a little dream nothing to worry about

You sure I can sleep in here tonight since Nariyah is with her dad Naraji said

Nah I'm good ima be up for the rest of the night anyway I said giving her a forced small smile

Okay see you in the morning Naraji said walking out shutting my door

What was Cynthia gonna say? Why was I chain up where they tortured her? What was she tryna tell me? And who's this girl she mentioned , I mean it was just a dream it can't be really happening can it ? Nah

3 hours later

I been up doing nothing but research and scanning over The Tape profiling voice I found two out the three that was hard to pin point and the last one it's like they were ising something to cover their actual voice idk if it's a women or not and it's pissing me off the closer I get it's like the further I really am to finding them

Hey my dad said coming in the room

Hey I'm so glad your here I said as I grabbed the pumpkin spice mocha

You called I came he said sitting on my bed

I had a dream a couple hours ago and Cynthia was in it this time , and she was saying how Rondell killer isn't a him it's a she , how hates Sonya and mom and before she could tell me what she did Naraji woke me up cause I was crying , dad dreams don't do that and I'm not a physic

To be honest I don't know what to say but if your shown something believe it you don't just vision shit like that now I'm not saying we live in a supernatural world but if something tryna reveal itself to you follow it he said

Uhuh I'm so confused then the third voice on the tape is using something to change their voice

You said their what ? He asked like I said something he needed to hear

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