Chapter 3

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Tom and Juan filed into the knights' council chamber with hands folded behind their backs and grim faces. The nine members of the High Council besides Juan had already seated themselves and now eyed the newcomers with expectation. Alden especially appeared so, leaning forward with folded hands. 

"Please shut the door, gentlemen." he said, "We have pressing matters to attend to." 

Tom obliged, but not without a frown. "I fail to see what matter could hold so much importance that even Princess Kate's birthday celebration pales in comparison. Or so you apparently think." 

Alden's eye shot daggers at Tom. "The festivities will go on without our presence, and surely, she will hardly even notice. It is our duty to ensure the safety of the kingdom, not to eat, drink, and be merry." 

"Well, we're here now, so you may as well get on with it." 

"The unmarked swordsman continues to inflict terror across the lands, leaving orphans and widows aplenty in his wake. But yet we have been unable to capture that murderer as of yet, nor garner any clues as to his identity." 

Tom took a step closer to his grandfather. "I ask you now as I have many times before, Grandfather. Let me hunt this bastard down, and I promise you I'll have him back in Monterayne ere he can bat an eye. You have my word." 

"And as I have done many times before, I refuse. You would only tire yourself out in riding the countryside in a vain search, not to mention in the chance you do find him, there is much potential for him to take more than just your eye this time." 

"I've had a whole year to prepare for a rematch, Grandfather." 

"And so has he." Alden retorted without skipping a beat. 

Juan closed his eyes and sighed, crossing his arms as he did so. "Enough bickering, men, please. What have you summoned us for, Alden?" 

"As I said, we have been unsuccessful thus far in uncovering the identity or whereabouts of this unmarked swordsman. But one thing we do know." 

Tom grew impatient in the dramatic pause the old man left between his statements. "What's that?" 

"Whoever he is, he possesses a mastery in the Raskan style, a dead giveaway that one of our knights has trained him. That, Juan, is why I have not sent you or any other Raskan warriors out for the past few weeks, and why I have called Jay Martin back from his station in Aroria. But one knight has not heeded the call to return to Monterayne at once." 

Juan's dark eyebrows slowly elevated. "Peter Raska himself." 

Tom frowned. "Surely you don't suspect Sir Raska of this treachery, do you?" 

Alden shrugged. "In my experience, anything is possible. I only call them back for questioning, and I consider all innocent until it can be proven otherwise. However, I do find his refusal to return rather...vexing." 

"Has he refused, or merely finds himself otherwise occupied? After all, Sir Raska is spearheading the Monteraynian advance in Shafaria, is he not?" 

"That he is." 

"Well then, how do you expect him to withdraw?" Tom asked. 

"He has competent enough officers with him to leave another man in charge while he presents himself here. And believe me, I have been most patient with him. Three messengers have come and gone between us, and he has not merely failed to come; he has sent word back each time that he refuses. He is not merely busy, Thomas, he is being obstinate." 

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