Werewolf Part 2

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When I came to, I immediately tried to get myself unconscious again by simply closing my eyes and willing it. Staring at me was the same guy that I was positive I had seen turn into the werewolf that had chased me. I did not want to believe that it was true.

“That won’t work.” he chuckled.

“Don’t kill me!” I screamed, jumping up from the bed that I was on.

“Wasn’t planning to.”

“You did try last night.”

“You remember?” he asked curiously.

“Of course, why wouldn’t I remember a huge wolfman trying to pulverize me? Wait, it was true then?”

“Yes it was. But, I don’t understand…I erased your memory.”

“No you didn’t, I remember it clearly…This is freaky…I’m speaking to a werewolf…this can’t be real…werewolves are supposed to be fantasy….made up…to scare children…how…what?”

“You’re still in shock I guess…”

“Shock? Who me? No way…” I giggled nervously.

“Drink this.”

I drank the glass of water that was handed to me. I looked him over properly for the first time. He was the perfect fantasy. A tall tanned brunet with washboard abs that showed through his black t-shirt…Then I remembered how dangerously strong a werewolf can be.

“So, how are you feeling now?”

“Are you really a werewolf?”

“Yes, since your memory is so good that it can’t be removed, I’ll tell you about me…I was born a werewolf and I can control myself really well when in wolf form but last night, it was different. I felt as though I was supposed to submit to you or something. I could feel your presence from the moment you stepped in the forest. This caused me to hate you for making me feel so weak so when we met, the beast in me was out for blood although I was never compelled to attack a human before. The moon just brought the beast a bit out of my usually perfect control.”

“So how did I end up here?”

“You fainted in the streets…anything could have happened to you so I brought you to my place…”

“I see…so why do you feel as if you have to submit to me?”

“Didn’t I just explain to you that I haven’t got a clue? I feel as though you’re my master or something and that’s not right. I bow to no one.”

“I never said that you had to bow to me. It’s not my fault for being so commanding either. I was like that ever since I can remember.”

“Yes, but it’s not like that. It’s different…Like instinct…I have a feeling that tonight, we’ll find out…It’s a full moon…”

“Oh…I have a weird feeling that the forest holds some answers…”

“Well, I guess it won’t hurt to check it out. I will control myself this time.”

“I should hope so. Anyways, I’ve been really curious as to how your clothes transformed together with you?”

“Oh, it’s simple really. All werewolf clothes are supposed to be made with dead werewolves fur so if we need to transform to human form for any reason, we’ll have on something. Shoes are made with dead werewolf hide.”

“Interesting…Oh well, I’m gonna sleep a bit. Wake me up when it’s time to go. And before you think I’m too trusting, it’s just because you didn’t kill me and told me to get away last night when you regained a bit of control that I am trusting you.”

With that, I lay back on the bed in which I had awoken in to wait. This entire day was so confusing that its happenings were not registering in my mind.

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