Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Travis POV

So I'm stuck with Katie. Great. I'm so excited... "So, what do we do now?"

"I don't know, find a place to stay, I guess"

"or we could play laser tag!"

"After we find our hotel, then I can kick your ass in laser tag,"

I can't believe it, she actually agreed! So we walk around and find a hotel called Demi-dieux de France. Since I speak French, I tell Katie it's called the Demigods of France. We use our Ultimate Aphrodite Credit cards(that's actually what they're called) and we get a suite with 2 bedrooms and bathrooms!

After that we walk over to laser tag and let me say something, I.MUST.WIN. I must have said that out loud because Kaite starts laughing. I plot how I'm going to break the fragile little Gardener's soul. We get in and my "Code name" is Stollyogurl and Katie's.... wow... she is not what I thought she was like. I assumed her name would be Flowerlover or something but nope it's GardenOfSouls. So we have to wait 10 minutes until we could play, so we played with the little arcade there. We were playing air hokey and the score was 6-6 when we got to play what we came for. Laser tag to the death. She is going down.

The minute we enter she disappears. I am on guard when I trip over a vine. She's near. I instinctively check my surroundings. I see a flash move out if the corner of my eye, so I follow it. BOOM! it's a random awkward kid.... I keep walking and a flower tickles me, I look up and I see Katie jump and tackle me. She then shoots me like six times then disappears. Dam.

I try and follow in the direction she went and ended up in a corner. That's when I realize her plan. She wanted to get me away from the middle and trap me. If only I realized it earlier. I tried to run, but I barely made it a few yards before she got me. I shoot aimlessly and I think I hit her like twice, but she got me at least eight times. The game over sound came on and the lights turned on. I see Katie laughing and I just shrugged. She has a cute laugh. I see three vines and I point them out to her.

She quickly makes them go away and I say, "You up for food?"


"Hungry much?"

"you have no idea, "

I laugh and we walk out together. We get our results and I got 2nd place and Katie got 1st. I'll get her back one of these days, but I'm actually really hungry. We ended up going to Spaghetti Warehouse, who knew they were in Paris? Katie and I actually got along, only time when it was awkward was when a newly wed couple came in and old people kept telling us that we're next. I see Katie give me an annoyed look as another old person told her that she's next.

"oh thank you! We'll attend your funeral!" I say and after that people left us alone.

So we finally got to eat in peace, and it was quite enjoyable. We got to laugh at all of the French people and their accents and clothes. I just love her laugh. It just makes me all warm and happy. I could listen to it all day.... Maybe I'll set it as my ringtone (NO TRAVIS THAT'S CREEPY) We were sitting on a park bench talking and somehow we got to our first kisses. Katie hasn't had her yet and she is the only person I've told that I haven't had mine either. Suddenly we're leaning in about to kiss I close my eyes and then we hear a loud noise.


Drew is right in front of us with a really tall guy with lucious blond hair and a short fat dude with a big red beard and long knotted hair.

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