Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Katie POV

I left for my cabin, knowing that i can go to Paris. I've always wanted to go to there. Too bad I have to go with that beyotch Drew and dickhead Travis. HE IS SUCH A PLAYER! At least he'll be flirting with Drew the entire time. But while he's flirting away, i have to find the exploding weed. I start packing, trying to find practical clothes for sewer climbing, and for dragon fighting. Is Smaug water or fire dragon? I don't know. Either way I have to fight him. I pack a few (as in a lot) of magic seeds that turn into weapons/killy things that are fab.

After half an hour, i manage to fit all of my clothes and seeds into a backpack. I leave to cabin wearing the bag and start looking for the rest of the party. I see Travis laughing and Drew flipping her hair and ugh. She's gonna break his heart on the trip and guess who's gonna have to help him get over it. ME! Thinking of that experience makes me angry. WHY DO I HAVE TO FIX A PATHETIC LOSER'S BROKEN HEART!? I mean I'd rather spend a day with Octavian. And THAT'S saying something. (Because he's dead)

When I caught up to them Drew told us, "Okay so my mom is gonna poof us there or something like that so you two need to hold hands,"

"I'm sorry we need to what?" Travis asked.

"Well Chiron told me to take another person so we're traveling in twos. You two and im taking Conner with me,"

Wait, what? I have to hold hands with *shudders* TRAVIS?!


Wait did i say that out loud?


"oh well,"

Travis and I started to bicker back and forth about crap I didn't even care about, but I wanted to win so I bickered. Conner came over and said,

"You two are like an old couple," He got two death glares after that.

"JUST FREAKING HOLD HANDS"(that was Drew) and we did. Camp Half-Blood disappeared and then we were in front of then Eiffel Tower.

We waited for Drew and Conner to come but after 20 minutes they IMed us.

"Well my mom is having difficulties and we can't come until Tuesday," then it ended.

Today is Sunday. By the time they get here, we'll have 2 days to get the Exploding Weed.

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