Angel and prodigy

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Prod: So Angel you are so cute that words can't even explain.
Angel: Really! No way I didn't even know! 😮😏 *says sarcastically*
Prod: OMG you didn't know?!?!?!
Angel: No I didn't!
Prod: Lol we would make a cute couple!
Angel: Ikr
Prod: so you have a bf?
Angel: ummm no, but I want to, he is really cute, has a awesome knee weaking smile, dark skinned, and is in a band! 😍.
Prod: oh! 😔,wait I have and am all those thing.
Angel:no kidd-
Prod: hey you are talking about me!
Angel: no kidding Sherlock Homes
Prod: so I guess I should get back.

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