Chapter 06

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Ben flexed his right arm at the elbow, glad to finally have the cast gone. He was over the moon at being able to use both of his hands now. He was finally back to work, driving a truck at Ace. Even though he was temporarily off the rotation for long hauls, that was fine with Ben. He could do the local transports just fine, and it kept him home with Benji. All was right in the universe as far as he was concerned.

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon and he had arranged for Lonnie to take Benji out to lunch and shopping or a movie to keep him busy for a few hours. There wasn't anything strange about that request. Benji and Lonnie had quickly become best friends over the past few weeks. The two little guys talked on the phone every day and hung out all the time. It was nice that Benji had a 'BFF' now, as Lonnie called him. It also meant that he saw more of his older brother.

Brandon had always been his best friend since they were kids. Ben couldn't recall ever seeing Brandon like this, laid-back and carefree. Ben liked hanging out with the new, happy Brandon.

As part of his plans for the big surprise, he had something he needed to take care of first, something that he didn't want Benji to know about yet. This was not a task he was looking forward to.

He put his truck into park and shut the engine off. He shifted in the seat as he reached down between his legs and adjusted his flaccid cock, pushing it down into a more comfortable angle. The head of his cock was a little sore pressing against his jeans. Ben snickered. If his cock was sore, he imagined that Benji was definitely feeling it in his ass, and that made him puff his chest out a little, and he smirked cockily. He had fucked Benji twice this morning, and twice the night before. Since he got the casts removed earlier in the week, his sex drive had kicked into high gear. Oh yeah, everything was right in the universe: Benji writhing underneath him, getting his ass pounded into the mattress on a regular basis. Just the the way it should be.

After double-checking the address against the piece of scrap paper, he let out a deep breath and got out of his truck. He walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

The door opened and a curvy, middle-aged, bleach-blond woman with blue eye shadow and too much rouge on her cheeks answered. Before she could speak, a pudgy man pushed past her. At first sight, Ben knew it was the man he was looking for. He had Benji's height, along with his blond hair and hazel eyes, but that's where the similarities ended. He looked like he hadn't shaved in days and Ben could smell stale beer on his breath.

"Yeah?" he asked, looking up at Ben with a suspicious eye.

"Chester Carter?"

"Who wants to know?" the man asked.

"I'm Ben Davis," Ben answered, extending his hand. "I'm--"

Benji's father ignored Ben's hand as his eyes grew wide and his lip curled into a snarl. "I know who you are. What the fuck do you want?"

Ben dropped his hand and decided to get right to the point. He didn't want to play nice with the man anyway. "I need Benji's birth certificate and social security card. I don't have time to wait for the county--"

Chester snorted. "Fuck off. And tell that little faggot to do the same."

He started to slam the door in Ben's face, but Ben reached out and his big hand stopped the door cold. He was proud of himself for the restraint he had used so far, but the man was already beyond trying his patience and begging for an ass kicking. If he didn't need something from him, he wouldn't have tolerated that word used against his Benji.

"Look, I need that birth certificate. Just give it to me and I give you my word you won't have to worry about me or Benji bothering you ever again."

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