Chapter 01

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Ben couldn't help but smirk as he approached the cubicle, now occupied by former forklift operator turned dispatcher, Steve. He turned and walked past until he got to the last office on the right. The door was open, and the plaque on the door read "Benji Carter, Assistant Manager, Logistics".

Ben leaned in the doorway and smiled at the sight. His boyfriend was sitting at his desk staring at his computer screen. Ben could see the swirling lights from the monitor reflected in Benji's hazel eyes. Benji's blond hair was styled neat and short, parted on the right side. His bangs swooped across his forehead, landing just above his thin brows.

Ben watched him rap his fingers nervously on the desktop while he worried his bottom lip with his teeth. Though he couldn't see it, he knew that Benji's foot was also tapping a quick rhythm on the floor. No doubt his baby was wound up, eagerly awaiting his return.

Ben's cock started to harden in his jeans as he stared at that red lip trapped between his teeth. He knew damn well how good those lips felt against his. How good they felt around his cock...

After Ben spoke, Benji looked up and a grin quickly spread across his face. As Ben kicked the door shut with his foot, Benji jumped up from the desk and Ben swept up the little man in his arms and gave him a kiss. Slow and sexy, with lots of tongue. Benji whimpered against Ben's insistent mouth and tongue, not caring one bit that they were at work, where anyone could walk in and see them.

At only five-feet-seven, Benji was nearly a foot shorter than Ben and was half his weight, but when they came together like this, they fit perfectly as far as Ben was concerned. The only time they fit better was when Benji was on his back and Ben was on top of him, between his legs. If Ben had his way, they would be in that position as soon as possible.

"You almost done with work, baby?" Ben growled into Benji's ear before nipping a trail down Benji's neck with his teeth.

Benji looked up at the clock on the wall. 3:45. Fifteen minutes is close enough. "Yeah," he replied between breaths. "I can be done."

"Good. 'Cause I got something I wanna show you."

Benji closed his eyes and shuddered once more. When Ben's voice got all deep and growly like that, it made him weak in the knees. He had a really good idea what Ben wanted to show him. In fact, he could feel it pressing into his stomach at this very moment.

Color rose up on Benji's cheeks. He knew damn well that whatever his Ben asked him for, he would give. Willingly and eagerly.

Ben watched Benji shut down his computer. His cock throbbed in his jeans as he watched his little man bend over his desk and lock the drawers. As he openly drooled at the site of Benji's tight, round ass cheeks, he pressed the heel of his hand against his straining erection. He had gone far too many days without sex with his baby. He was about to fix that.

In just a few short months, Benji had become his world. He couldn't imagine life without the cute little man. Ben knew that Benji was special. Benji loved him unconditionally for all of his faults, even though he was gruff and rough and unpolished. Even though he talked with his mouth full. Even though he couldn't eat a meal without getting food on his face or on his shirt. Even though he would get raging, fighting mad if anyone looked at Benji wrong. Even though he carried the possessive caveman thing too far sometimes. Even though he wasn't the most good-looking guy in the world. But Benji made him feel like a god. One smile from Benji and Ben felt like the king of the fucking world.

Benji shut and locked his office door. Ben was standing behind him, so close that he could feel the warm heat of his body. The musky smell of Ben's sweaty underarms hit Benji's nose and Benji thought his legs might just crumble underneath him. Something about Ben's smells made him so hot and needy. He held his messenger bag in front of his crotch, hoping that no one would see the evidence of his desire for his big Ben. He could already feel a wet spot forming straight through his khakis. It had been days since he and Ben had made love and he was so ready. Before he met Ben, Benji never thought of himself as a sexual creature, but when he was around Ben, it was like he always wanted. Always needed. All Ben had to do was look at Benji and he felt like he would go up in flames. And then there was his smell, and his touch... Benji bit his lip to hold back a moan that threatened to spill from his lips.

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