Entry Four

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I knew I saw it!

I'm not crazy, it was there, right there in front of me!

It was bright and it was so small, and it hurt to stare at it for too long.

I think it was a fox?
I'm not certain.

All I know is it was bright, and orange, and fast, much faster than I am by far.

I don't know what came over me.

I just felt in the very depths of my soul that I needed to follow it, that I needed to chase.

Perhaps It was loneliness.

The need to be around another thinking, feeling, breathing being.

It probably couldn't talk, but it could be there.

Or maybe it was the adrenaline.
The rush of doing something because there's no other option.

Then again, I don't have adrenaline any longer, now do I?

I ran with it through that forest for what felt like miles.

I yelled after it, pleaded with it to stop, to speak to me.

Which was of course, not the smartest way to go about things.

It's an animal.

In its mind, I was a deranged predator yowling and nipping at its heels.

Every move I made only served to make it run faster, but I wasn't thinking about any of that, I couldn't.

I needed to let it know i was there.
That it wasn't alone.
I couldn't just leave it.

After what could've been a minute, an hour or a day, I got closer.

It was tired by then, I think.

It slowed down only a bit, but it was more than enough time for me to gain on it.

I was sprinting, galloping towards as it slowed down to a jog.

I was so close.

Feet away.

Inches away.

I managed to touch the tip of its tail.

I heard my hand sizzle before I felt the heat.

It burned me.

It burned me.

My hand was charred.

There was no more color in the palm of my hand save for black and a blistered, glowing red.

And then it was gone.

It had disappeared out of thin air.

I only felt the pain after I'd realized it left.

I'm writing this on my right hand, sadly, as my left is quite severely burned.

I think I'm a bit stunned.

I haven't felt pain in so long.
I forgot how unpleasant it could be.

This may leave more than a small scar. 

Nevermind that, what was it? 

What kind of creature burns you when you touch it?

Was it a demon? That would mean I'm in hell.

It wouldn't be surprising I suppose, but then what of the fire and brimstone?

Where could it be?

Why, demons are meant to torment others, surely tormenting would involve being near the tormentee.

Or, is this my punishment.

An eternity alone after being within reach of something I'll never have another chance of getting.

But punishment for what? What could I have possibly done?.

I walked back to the field.

I saw no purpose in continuing, and my hand hurt, terribly.

I saw something. Someone, even.
Someone who's probably sentient, who I can talk to. Or at. Either way.

I feel like I took a step towards a dead end.

When I got back, the grass was completely regrown as if nothing had lied on them or ran through them.

As if nothing had stepped foot on them in their entire lives.

And in an hour or a day or a week, I'll wake up, there will be no stars in the sky, I'll be completely healed and the only hope I'll have is that I may be able to see that creature again.

I'm going to hold on to that hope.

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