Entry Two

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I'm going to go for a walk.

I can't sit here twiddling my thumbs for all eternity.

I'm not sure I could stand it.

Although it's not like exercising would do me any good.

Not much affects me nowadays.
Not physically.

I miss it, the groundedness of a body.

I can still see myself, I can see my hands, my thick black hair, my dark skin.

And yet, nothing is quite solid.

I'm weightless.

Thinking back, when I first arrived here, I panicked, as any sane person would.

All I could think about was how difficult it was to take a deep breath.

It hasn't changed.

I can't feel air in my lungs anymore.

When I touch something, I go through it.

Everything intertwines, it's almost like locking hands with someone.

No, it's more like running your hands through water.

It's near impossible to describe, all I can truthfully say is how unsettling it is to never feel the ground underneath you.

I should leave soon.

"Last night" lasted a very long while.

I may have time to wait for light, but I do not have the patience.

I will not lie here and wait for nothing.

Idle hands and all that.

This Book Belongs To Melody (GxG) Where stories live. Discover now