Chapter 3: The Hall of Shadows

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Valeria waited patiently as Frank navigated the way out of Manhattan, and into Brooklyn via the Brooklyn Bridge. While the skyline of Manhattan was mostly obscured by famous skyscrapers, the buildings in Brooklyn were less intimidating and clumped together around the cozy neighborhoods.  Honestly, she was more interested in trying to decipher the cryptic clues Frank had offered then enjoying the views.

He wants me to become a Master of Stealth?

Valeria had no idea what that meant. She remained silent as they entered Brooklyn - partially at Frank's request, but also of her own accord. She needed time to think, and formulate her next set of questions carefully.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Frank asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

Valeria settled for the most nuanced approach - the direct one. "Where are you taking me?"

"I'm taking you to our Faction Headquarters."

Valeria had so many questions to throw back at that response. What was this 'Faction', and what kind of people did it employ? What kind of structure would it be? Where was it located? But there was a bigger question that held more weight, and she started with this one first. "Why are you taking me to this place?"

Frank took a deep breath, and said, "Because I want to show you my  world. If I just told you about it, you'd keep thinking I was crazy. Once you enter the building and see your peers in the flesh, you will understand that my world, and the people within it, are very real. Then you can decide if you want to join us."

Valeria had heard of these types of proposals before. She knew  adults would recruit kids with all sorts of promises. A promise to find deliverance, a better life, a better understanding of reality, or an understanding of a higher power; whether it was divine or alien. No matter how hard Frank was about to try, Valeria was already set on refusing to join a cult today. But she figured she would at least hear him out, and let the man present his sales pitch. "Okay, Frank. Tell me, what types of people are in your faction?"

Frank smirked and said, "They're all Rogues. Like you and me."

Valeria stared at him with a dumbfounded expression. She had never heard of a Rogue Cult before. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't think of a pithy comeback.

"You heard me, Valeria. You're a Rogue."

"A Rogue?" Valeria asked, testing the word out in her own mouth. "What does that mean?"

Her query caused Frank to laugh - not a maniacal laugh - one that reflected mirth and enthusiasm."All of your escapes from the juvenile detention center were at night? Correct?"

"Yeah?" Valeria replied, her sarcasm laid thick. "It's easier to escape at night."

"Easier for you I'm sure," he said, a broad grin across his face. "Did you ever find it weird how you can see better at night than during  the day?"

Valeria's eyes went wide before narrowing. Frank somehow knew this seemingly impossible statement was in fact...true. "How do you know that?"

Frank laughed again. "Have you ever wondered why you feel faster, stronger, and more adept at night?"

"I'm not sure if that's true," Valeria replied with a hint of disbelief. "Now I feel like you're going to tell me I'm a vampire."

"You're not a vampire," Frank replied, shaking his head. "I already told you, you're a Rogue."

"I still don't know what that means."

"Think of it this way: each Faction  has its own form of magic and innate abilities. If your buddy Harry  Potter went to magic school to learn how to master magic, then as a Rogue, you will have the opportunity to master stealth."

Valeria Torres and the Midas VaultWhere stories live. Discover now