Chapter 14: Out of Sight

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The next few days went by rather quickly, as Valeria found herself even busier than usual. Jada and Frank announced she would be grounded for skipping school, which meant she literally couldn't go anywhere except school without them. Frank would later explain that part of this sentence was a punishment, while the other part involved safety, as the entire Rogue faction was on alert due to recent events. Valeria tried to inquire about what had happened, but Frank didn't offer much information.

"Jada ordered all Rogues to halt all missions and activities. We're to remain in hiding until the current crisis blows over," Frank had told her the following morning. "There have been a few...incidents between Rogues and Celestials lately, but both factions have decided to maintain the ceasefire."

"What happened? Was anyone hurt?" Valeria had asked.

"You really shouldn't worry about it kiddo," he had replied. "Things seem to be calming down, so you should just focus on school and training."

Valeria could tell Frank wasn't telling the truth, but decided to let it go. She had a lot to focus on as she finished out her first week in this new world . She told both sets of friends she was grounded for cutting class, and couldn't do anything after school with them for a while.

Sai had apologized, even though Valeria knew her punishment wasn't his fault. She kept up her friendship with the nerds while trying to be cordial with Sheri and the popular kids. She quickly became fond of Sheri's friend Erin, who continued to offer free tutoring services.

"Why are you always so nice to me?" Valeria had asked as they sat together at lunch, working on math problems.

"I like helping people," Erin replied with an awkward smile. "Besides, I like hanging out with you."

"You do? Why?"

Erin shrugged and said, "Unlike Sheri's other friends, you're so down to earth. I really like that."

"So why don't you hang out with any other kids?"

"I don't really have much choice," Erin replied with a sigh. "My dad's pretty wealthy and protective, and he doesn't let me go out of the house much by myself. Sheri is the only person in the school who lives in my neighborhood, so she's really been my only friend over the past year." Her eyes shifted downward, and her shoulders slouched forward. I've never really had many friends."

"Well," Valeria said with a sigh. "I almost feel bad for you. Almost..."

"I know," she muttered, avoiding eye contact. "Poor little rich girl. I really have no right to complain in front of you."

She studied Erin's face and recognized that expression. She had seen it often in her reflection at the juvenile detention center. Loneliness was more than a feeling, it was an ailment that took a physical toll on the body. "It's okay, Erin. What about your mom?"

"She died during childbirth. My dad died before I was born. I lived in an orphanage until I was seven years old. That's when the Tyrells adopted me."

Valeria raised an eyebrow. They had more in common than she realized. "What about your adoptive parents?"

"Mrs. Tyrell is really nice," Erin replied with a smile. "She's the one person I trust most." Her smile faded as she continued. "Mr. Tyrell is an okay father figure, but not very supportive. He wants me to be tough and successful like him. Both him, and Mrs. Tyrell are usually very busy, and I usually just end up staying at home alone most days." She exhaled and fidgeted with her wavy brown hair before turning away and solving math problems.

Valeria studied her friend a moment, before finally having an idea. "Pull out your phone."

Erin looked up and asked, "Why?"

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