Hydra (my au)

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Summary: Hydra kidnapped Peter when he was young and Peter was stuck there, got tortured and became Hydra's most prized weapon until the Avengers saved him. Peter decided then to use his powers that Hydra gave him for good, creating Spider-Man. Peter went back to school and became friends with Ned but then Hydra found him again and stormed into Midtown High looking for him.

Peter's POV:

It was just a normal day, I was in English class doing my work when I heard it.

"Attention students, you all have to go into the Auditorium right away, please go in a formal matter" 

Now you must be thinking, 'Peter, what's wrong with going into the Auditorium?'. Well you are about to see.

As we all start walking outside the classroom I start whispering to Ned.

"What do you think it is?"

"Maybe another boring announcement" 

We start walking in a comfortable silence as we walk the rest of the way.

The teacher holds the door open and we all sit down in the Auditorium waiting for the rest of the classes to get here. The Principle was standing on the stage waiting for everyone to arrive.

As the last class sits down the Principe starts talking to us explaining why we had to come here.

"Now, you all must be thinking why I asked for you to come here, well, let me explain. This morning an organisation came into my office and gave me some important information"

Everyone was so eager to hear the information, everyone was hoping we could get a day off or go on a field trip.

"The organisation told me that Spider-Man is in-fact in this school, in this Auditorium at this very moment."

Everyone started yelling, trying to find out who it is. Me and Ned gave each other a look of worry.

"Calm down everyone, they didnt tell me who it is but they did offer to tell everyone. That's why we are all gathered here."

Uh oh. 

Me and Ned look at each other dreading this moment.

"May that organisation come up the front please?"

That's when I saw it. Hydra uniforms. And today had to be the day that the avengers were on a mission in Germany. I love my Parker luck.

"Hello, as you all heard, we are an organisation who knows Spider-Man's identity. You must be wondering what organisation we are? Well, why waste my breath on that when I can tell you all what you want to hear. Instead of telling you, why don't I call him up?"

The whole audience started yelling words of approval, except me and Ned of course.

"Let's call him up then, shall we? Mother. Aunt. Jumper."

I could feel myself going into their control. I tried to fight it off but I knew that when the said the last few words I wont be able to do anything. Ned looked over at me in worry and confusion, as he didnt know what the words meant. Before he could ask, the Hydra agent continued.

"Child. Spider."

In that moment I no longer had control. 

I stood up in my seat and said "Ready to comply"

"Peter what are you doing?!" Ned asked me frantically. I couldn't answer him, all I could do was watch as I stared into one of the people who made my life a living hell.

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