22 • Possession

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A/N: This one-shot portrays emotional manipulation, possessiveness and extreme jealousy. It's more mature than most of my one-shots. If you dislike reading this kind of thing I respect that and I'll see you on the next one-shot.

I love my boyfriend with everything I have. He's determined, passionate and always tries to keep me safe. But I can't deny there's a couple of things that really, really piss me off about him.

Firstly, Toby is jealous. He hates it when I hang out with other guys, he gets defensive when an ex comes up in conversation and he's got himself in trouble on more than one occasion trying to protect me from something I could've dealt with myself. I get it, I've been in serious danger so many times that I understand he feels compelled to look after me but at times I feel like he sees me as one of Mona's creepy china dolls, fragile enough to break at any time.

Once we were at my parent's country club with my family and Alex, my ex, was there. I knew he still worked there to make some money outside of school. It would've been fine, Toby would never have known had my sister not stupidly laughed and said "Oh Spence, isn't that Alex? I can see why you dated him, he looks pretty good in tennis shorts.", making my whole family, including Toby look over to where Alex was giving a private tennis lesson on the court we overlooked.

Toby turned to me and asked "You dated that guy?" he almost seemed to be daring me to lie to him. "For a bit, it was never serious." I answered him, truthfully. He stared daggers at Alex for the rest of the day, not that Alex seemed to realise until we were about to leave and he came over to talk to us.

"Mr and Mrs Hastings, Melissa, it's nice to see you." he said politely to my parents before turning to me "How's it going, Spence?" he asked innocently. As soon as he called me Spence, Toby's grip on my hand tightened and I felt his whole body tense. Shit. I needed to get out of this, like, now. "Hey Alex, this is my boyfriend Toby, Toby this is Alex" I said. Hopefully by introducing them Toby would realise I'm not trying to hide anything and he wouldn't be mad later.

"You two seem close." said Toby, clearly egging Alex on to say something that would push him over the edge.

Alex laughed lightly but seemed cautious. "We were a couple years back. Junior year right Spence? It's been a while." Okay, so far so good, nothing too incriminating there.

"Yeah it sure has." I said breezily.

"You should come more often, I miss barely surviving your insane serves." Oh crap. Alex, you really really shouldn't have said that, I thought as I felt Toby's grip tighten again.

"Tennis privates huh? I've seen how short your tennis skirt is Spencer, maybe you shouldn't be serving too hard, you never know who's looking." Toby said darkly. Low blow Cavanaugh, really low blow. I had to end this conversation, when Toby calls me Spencer and not Spence I know that I'm about to get into trouble.

I laughed lightly even though right now I want to hit him for being such a dick.

"Well, it was nice seeing you Alex." I said nicely, nudging Toby to do the same. He ignored me.

"Yeah, you too, catch up soon I guess." Alex said awkwardly, picking up his golf bag and walking towards the staff entrance.

Right, managed to get out of that relatively unscathed, I thought. At least I thought that until Toby grabbed me and whispered "We're going back to the loft and we're going to talk about why you never mentioned your little country club pet."

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