004 | Frustrated

381 26 20

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"Where are you going?" A man in mid 20s asked with his brow raised.

Another man turned to him and smiled so bright. "I'm going to the library! There's a lot of books there."

The first man frowned at his strangely enthusiastic brother. Well, duh! It's a library. There will be definitely a lot of books there. He scanned him, taking all his expressions, observing him. He knows he loves books but he never went out this early. It's only 7 in the morning for goodness' sake!

"Is this library you're talking about is now open? It's still early, you know." The first man said giving the other a suspicious look.

"But hyung! This is special okay?" Argued the younger.

Now, the first man or the older got intrigued. He slowly smirked at him. "Is it a girl, Mark?"

The younger one, Mark, widened his eyes frantically shook his head. He waved both his hands in front and exclaimed, "I- Wha- No! What m-made you think that?!"

The older continued to smirk, teasing the heck out of Mark. "So it is. Well, go on and have fun." He dismissed Mark who was still flustered and raising his hands.

Mark narrowed his eyes. "That's it? No more--Nevermind. You're one weird guy, Taeyong-hyung."

The older or Taeyong chuckled. "I still have business to do. I will most likely meet her whether you like it or not." He winked.

Mark groaned. "Hyung, I saw her first!"

"Who's said you didn't?" Taeyong shrugged as he teased him never putting down his smirk.

Mark deadpanned. "I hate you. Bye." Then he continued to walk towards the door. He turned around again seeing his hyung still smirking. "I so hate you." And slammed the door.

Taeyoung quietly chuckled at his younger brother's antics. "Hmm. A girl?"

| > ~ > • <  ~< |

Mark happily parked his car at the library's parking lot and walked immediately toward the entrance. He's expecting a fun time with the new friend he had made here. He actually couldn't erase Jisoo's beautiful smile in his mind. The girl is sure lovely.

However, he didn't expect to see her hugging a man.

He stopped in his tracks and hid himself behind a column that supports the open metal gate entrance of library. He raised a brow at himself. Why am I hiding? Though questioning himself, he still continued to hide and observe them from afar.

He thinks that they're so disgustingly sweet. No, scratch that. They're really disgustingly-I-want-to-puke-unnecessary sweet. Mark just rolled his eyes. "You just met her yesterday." He muttered to himself to comfort himself. It didn't lessen his building frustration though.

Finally, they're sweet-not-really session ended and the guy went on his way. Mark keep his eyes open on the guy observing him until he was gone out of sight.


Something is off with that guy. Something is definitely off. He couldn't tell what it is but he's totally dangerous. That's the aura Mark could feel on him.

Or is he dangerous because he hugged Jisoo earlier?

Mark facepalmed and tried to remove the negative thoughts coming from his mind. Too early to judge. Then he decided to meet her and know her more. He wants to protect Jisoo all of a sudden. Why?

Still, he can't let his slight frustration to ruin his day with a lovely lady now could he?

| > ~ > • <  ~< |

Taeyong tapped his fingers repeatedly on the table while the other hand is holding out documents. The documents are the profile of the new members of his corporation. As he flipped out the pages, he stopped on one particular person. Or rather a particular group.

"Rose Group, huh?" Taeyong whispered as he scanned the whole information about the group.

Rose Group owned a lot of merchandises from tangible and intangible things. They are powerful and influential. It could be one of the scariest group too. However, their name sounds foreign. Why would they name themselves after a flower?


Teayong's brows furrowed. Then he his eyes narrowed at the paper he was holding. It couldn't be. Just no.

He put the paper on the table, leaned on his chair and took a deep, deep breath. He remained silent for a while, gazing at the wall. He had decided.

"Jaehyun needs to know."

| > ~ > • <  ~< |

"It's so fun today!" Mark exclaimed as he got out of the library.

Jisoo giggled at him as she escorted him out. "I agree. If you have some free time, you could come again."

Mark's smile widened. His eyes twinkle in excitement. "Sure!" He shouted but covered his mouth immediately. "I mean, sure."

Jisoo was amused with this guy. He's fun to be with. He actually helped her see a new perspective about the books. Even he's a dork, she couldn't deny that she felt comfortable with him despite meeting him just yesterday.

"Settled then." She said as she laughed. "Just call me or text me." She stretched out her arm and held her hand toward him like she's asking for something.

Mark looked at her hand, confused. "What's that for?"

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "Your phone, boy."

"Oh." Mark blushed at his kind of idiocy. He proceeded to getting his phone from his bag and gave it to Jisoo.

Jisoo hurriedly put her number and gave back his phone. "I've got to go back inside. Stay safe." Jisoo winked at him and turned back toward the entrance.

Mark glanced at the sky and frowned. "Jisoo, until when is your shift?"

Jisoo turned around and smiled. "This night? I hate it to overtime but my coworker needs to tend her child so I guess, 8? Yeah."

"3 hours is not bad. I'll wait for you." Mark grinned holding Jisoo's arm as he pulled themselves back in the library.

Jisoo who has speechless and just gawking at him does not know what to do. "But, don't you have something to---"

Mark silenced her by putting his index finger on her lips. "No more talking, more walking." He winked making Jisoo blushed a little.

"Besides, the night is dangerous for you." He seriously said as he gaze into her eyes.

Jisoo was confused and was about to ask more but Mark grinned, pulling her back to library.

"That's why me in no armor is here to protect you." He winked once again. Jisoo shook her head and let the boy lead the way.

At the least, Chaeng won't be worried.

| > ~ > • <  ~< |

Btw, who's pairing you want in NCTPINK and Blacktan? Especially for Chaeyoung. I'm a little decided for Jisoo now. But you could still say your fave Jisoo ships! Hehe, ≧ω≦!

Stay safe and love lots!

April | 23 | 2020

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