014 | Behind the smokes

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j i s o o


My heart jumped, tightening my grasp on Chaeng. Along with the screams of the guests, I could hear my heart beating fast just as loud as well. My hand grabbing on to Chae tightened once again. I could feel that she was frozen in the spot without looking at her. My breath hitched.

There's a masked man. Many of them standing in many directions. They hold guns. Some already got their hostage, pointing the guns on their neck.

"I said get down!" One of the masked men, the one in front shouted once again.

I can't feel my legs. My sprained foot does not seem a big deal now. It hurts a little but my heart beating so loudly hurts more. I tighten my hold again on Chae. My limbs seem to be paralyzed and all I can do is stare at the masked men.

"Unnie." Chae whispered and gently pulled me down. Breathing heavily, I followed her guide and sat down.

I grabbed her arm as she hugged me. "What's... happening...?" I asked as silently and stable as I could.

The only response she gave me was rubbing my back. She let me lean on her shoulder. I don't know. I still can't feel my legs, and my arms are shaking. My palms are sweating but I am not letting go of my hold on to Chae's arm. My breath... I can't breathe... My heart is beating so fast... Am I having a heart attack?

No... I don't want to die yet. My father may have left me but I don't want to leave Mom and Chae.

"Unnie, deep breaths." Chaeng whispered closed to my ears. "Much better if you close your eyes, focus on your breathing."

I inhaled and exhaled. "Chae, I—"

"Shh, Unnie. Stay with me, inhale." I did even though it's ragged. "Exhale." Did I exhale?

"Good, Unnie. Remember. I'm here." She assured as she hugged me tighter. I slowly inhaled and exhaled as I closed my eyes. Once I closed my eyes, I can only hear voices. Arguing voices. And I realized... My whole body and mind are shaking.

Chae is here, I thought. Chae is here.

While practicing deep breaths, I heard a shuffle and an angry female voice that boomed. "How dare you trespass—"

A gunshot. Few screams. Few whimpers. Few sniffles. Then finally, silence. What happened...?

"Do not open your eyes, Unnie." Chae firmly said.


"Let that be a lesson for anyone who speak without permission. Now." I heard a lot of footsteps. It seems like they are surrounding the area. "Where is Kim Taeyeon?"

An audible gasp can be heard. I am stunned too. Why would they want to know where Taeyeon Unnie is?

"I'm sure anyone of you know. You're invited by herself after all. So. Do not let me repeat it. WHERE. IS. SHE?!" With every pause there was gunshots and screams.

"You! Speak!"

"I-I dunno—" A male voice answered. The sound of gun getting moved can be heard but before a gunshot can happened, the man spoke once again. "BUT—BUT! I saw her last talking to those two there! Those ones who are wearing purple and red dresses. They look close too, maybe they know!" The man babbled.

I heard Chae clicked her tongue. Wait, was he talking about us?

Heavy footsteps seem to approach us with the metallic sound of guns. I clung on to Chae more.

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