Shigaraki x Reader -Blue Fluff

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(A/N: Shigaraki is probably ooc in this fic, I'm still getting used to writing BNHA characters. This is my first oneshot, usually I have trouble keeping my writing pieces short, I end up writing more than supposed to so some oneshots might be long or made into part1/2/3/4. Okay I'll shut up now, enjoy! Don't forget to comment)

It's another late night. I've been following the same routine for the past two weeks. Standing in the same alley, watching the building from across, waiting for him to walk by like always. My eyes glitter with anticipation, I simply can't wait to see my handsome crush.

I remember the first time I met him. I happened to see a young man dressed in black, with red shoes, baby blue hair poking out of his hoodie. He looked so sad. I wanted to comfort him. Yet, before I could do a weird purple smoke dude spoke to him and they left.

Weeks later I saw him on the news. I found out he was a villain. But that did nothing to make me dislike him. My liking grew for him even more. If he was a villain, maybe that's why he looked sad.

Ever since then I vowed to find him. I wanted to talk to him, give him a hug tell him someone cared for him. So that's how I started to follow him...

He's so adorable. The way he tries hiding his face and fluffy blue hair, but fails to do so, it drives me crazy with love. I love how mysterious he is walking with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his hoodie.

I broke out of my reveries, it was already midnight and he hadn't walked on this road yet. Worry crept upon me. Where had my Blue Fluff gone to?

Third Person POV

"Where is he?" (Y/N) cried restlessly as she turned her head in two directions.

"So it's you who's been following me." A raspy voice spoke behind her making the young girl jump.

Quickly turning around, the innocent girl's eyes met with crimson ones. "Blue Fluff!" she smiled at him.

Shigaraki glared at the girl as she flashed him a friendly expression. She curiously glanced at him, noticing he had multiple scars around his eyes, his lips were chapped, something you'd expect from someone who doesn't follow any beauty regimes; (Y/N) had no doubt. She was eager to fix him up.

"My poor baby Blue Fluff, let me hug you." (Y/N) said stretching her arms to him. "I finally found you I'm never letting you go."

"Don't touch me you brat! And stop fucking calling me that. Who the hell do you think you are following me?" Shigaraki spat. His eyes showing malice but he noticed the girl didn't seem to be afraid of him. He wondered why.

"Aw don't worry I won't hurt you." She assured him as she tried touching his cheek only to have him hit her hand down.

"Stupid, you're the one that should be afraid. Do you know who you're messing with brat? Tell me who sent you? Are you one of those UA brats?" he asked with a dangerous tone. Seriously what's with this weirdo? Shigaraki thought.

The girl's innocent gaze wandered to his hair. "So fluffy and blue..."

His hands suddenly gripped the girl's shoulders and pushed her against the wall. "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N)! Nice to meet you! I've been wanting to talk to you for a while but I was shy." she gladly exclaimed, "You're even cuter in person. Your eyes are like rubies. And your hair is fluffy, I wanna touch it!"

His eyes widen and his cheeks turned pink yet his tone was still hostile. "Are you stupid?" Why is she doing this? Did a hero send her to spy on me? Shigaraki mused.

"Um, I've been told I'm carefree."

"I'm so done with this..." Shigaraki placed all five fingers on her in hope of making this girl stop from making him feel weird.

"Ouch Blue Fluff, what are you doing?" she gasped uncomfortably.

"Why won't you perish??!" his eyes widen with shock. Why won't you disintegrate?!?!?

"Um am I supposed to perish?" the poor innocent girl tilted her head confused.

"You—what's your quirk!?"

(Y/N) being the carefree girl that she is translated his words into something else... "Is this way of you asking me out? Figuring if I'm girlfriend material? Worthy to be your future wife? All by asking my name, my quirk, is this our first couple's fight?"

"What the—"

"I accept, also my quirk is Immunity. It's not flashy but I can't get hurt by several quirks. I like [Fav animal] and [Fav food]. Oh and I work at a flower shop, well used to, I got fired for overwatering the flowers."

To say Shigaraki was confused and shocked, would be an understatement. He woke up this morning single, plotting villainous schemes, and now this weird girl wanted to be his girlfriend... future wife? Not just that but she had been stalking him for who knows how long and his quirk didn't work on the annoyingly cute weirdo.

"My quirk won't work on you then...?" he hesitantly spoke. His hands loosening his grip on her.

"I guess not? Anyway Blue Fluff what's your name?"

"Tomura Shigaraki." He looked at the girl with a less hating expression.

"Yay! So Tomu-kun, can I kiss you?"

"HUH!? You'd want to... kiss a guy like me?"

I nodded, "Duh, you're so cute. I want to protect you! Make you forget your sadness, show you that I care about you and shower you my love!" I grinned.

He stood dumbfounded. It was the first time someone had showed, no... told him directly that they liked him, cared for him, wanting to shower him with kindness and... love! He's a villain, all his life he thought he'd never find someone that would like him, not to mention love him. This girl was gullible... carefree as she stated, or to put it his way she was too dumb for her own good.

Nonetheless, something overcame in Shigaraki, he didn't want to have the girl perish from him. She was the first and possibly the only girl/person who he'd be able to touch without hurting, he wasn't going to lose this chance. If she wanted to kiss him, hold him, who was he to say no to her. Besides, she was a pretty cute girl he'd love to corrupt with his wicked ideals.

"You're a weird girl." Shigaraki smirked as he looked at her. "But my weird girl... you—you better not regret this."

She shook her head eagerly with a grin and leaped onto Shigaraki's arms and smashed to her lips onto his chapped ones. Shigaraki clumsily kissed back his little stalker. He then scooped the younger girl in his arms talking his new girlfriend with him.

And that's how little carefree (Y/N) joined the League of Villains, and eventually tricked Shigaraki into marrying her –not that he complained.

(Next up: Bakugou ~everyone's ragging hedgehog lol)

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