Ch. 1 The Kiss

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Tine felt stuck. Like he was playing the role of a nice, goofy guy, smiling to his friends everyday, but inside he just needed to escape. He needed something deeper, more meaningful. Maybe Sarawat saw that in him.

"Yo Tine, check this girl out" Fong called him as Tine entered the restaurant and joined his group of friends. They were already into their drinks. "Everyone says she's a 6 but I'll give her 7, what do you think?"

Tine put on a smile. "Hmm, this girl? She's pretty..." 

His friends were being lively as always, rating the girls in class.  Tine smiled, sipped his drinks, and laughed. But honestly, he was bored.  Inadvertently, his eyes darted to the other tables until he saw a table in the back corner that caught his eye.

What the fuck? He's here?  

It was Sarawat. Tine thought Sarawat didn't have any friends, but apparently he did.  And...he was actually laughing.  Tine was amazed.  He actually looks good when he laughs.  

No one really knew Sarawat. He was weird, kept to himself.  Played guitar in the school band.    There were rumors that he was gay.  That's why none of his friends ever wanted to go near the guy.  Not that Sarawat cared, because unlike Tine, Sarawat was the kind of guy who did whatever the hell he wanted to do.

Ever since Tine started class this semester, he could feel someone staring at him from the back of his head. And the first time he turned around, his eyes met Sarawat's - sitting in the back of the class.

And Tine knew.  Sarawat saw right through him, through the facade.  Even though they had never talked. He had that half-amused, half-cocky look on his face like he knew Tine was faking it all and just wanted to watch.  And Sarawat would never look away.  He would just keep staring.

Tine quickly turned back to his friends. What was wrong with that guy?  

A few drinks in, Tine got up. He didn't know why exactly. He just couldn't stand it anymore - all the fake laughing, the fake smiling, pretending like he cared. He needed some air.
"Where you going, Tine?" Fong asked. 

"Just a smoke, I'll be right back" Tine said, waving and laughing as he stumbled out of the restaurant.

The sky was dark and the air was fresh. Tine let out a breath of relief. He walked to an alley next to the restaurant and leaned against the cool brick wall. He lit up his cigarette, inhaled a puff.  He wasn't a smoker, he only smoked at parties but...this was an exception.   

"You mind if I grab a light?"

Tine nearly jumped.  Right next to him was Sarawat, wearing a white shirt and a tan jacket.  It was the first time he ever heard the guy talk.

He was actually very handsome close up.  His strong eyebrows, sharp jawline, toned skin...Tine took it all in. Ok, what the hell am I doing right now?  Tine shook himself back to reality. 

" yeah, sure".  Tine fumbled with his light and nervously eyed the door, hoping his friends wouldn't show up.  If they saw him, they would think he was associating with a freak. 

Sarawat leaned against the wall and smoked his cigarette, not saying anything.  Tine could feel his heart racing and his hands getting sweaty. It's probably just the drinks.

"'ve been having a good night so far?" Tine asked.

"Yeah." Sarawat said in a low voice, not looking at him. Tine's breath hitched.  Well, this guy really doesn't know how to make small talk. "Yeah, same, it's been pretty fun" Tine said.

"You don't look like you're having fun".  What the fuck?  Has this guy been staring at me?

Sarawat looked up at him with a serious look. There was this tension, that Tine couldn't explain. But suddenly he felt like he couldn't breath. He could feel his heartbeat and the blood slowly rushing to his face. 

"Well, I should probably get back there, my friends are waiting for me" Tine said. 

"Wait." It wasn't a request, it was an order.  Tine slowly looked back, and for some reason he felt scared.  Like he was venturing into something he shouldn't be doing. 

Sarawat's eyes were dark.  That's the only thing Tine could remember before Sarawat grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him.  

Tine tried to push him away, but Sarawat just grabbed him and pushed him against the wall.  He cupped Tine's face and kept licking and nibbling his lips.  Even though Sarawat looked rough on the edges, his lips were surprisingly..soft.  Too soft.  Tine couldn't help himself from kissing back.

Tine didn't want to think anymore. He just wanted someone else to take control. He suddenly grabbed the edge of Sarawat's white shirt and pulled him closer, making Sarawat grunt.  He went in deeper, trying to explore Sarawat's tongue.  It was warm and wet.

Tine couldn't tell how long they were there.  Probably just a minute.  But before he knew it, Sarawat had pulled away from him.  He looked completely composed, but with a glint in his eyes and a satisfied look that annoyed Tine. 

Sarawat patted Tine's head. "Good seeing you, Tine". Then he went back to the restaurant, leaving Tine messy and breathless. 

What the fuck was that?  Tine was freaking out. He was not gay. Definitely not gay. He had a ton of girlfriends in the past. 

Ok, I can't think about this right now. I need to go back to the restaurant. 

 When Tine went back in, he looked for Sarawat's table at the corner of the restaurant. 

 But he was already gone.

***Thank you for reading!  This is my first fanfic so please comment and share your thoughts!! :)***

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