Chapter 1: Lexipedia is maybe a little bit gay

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Little Grey's Lesbian Lessons

Lexipedia is maybe a little bit gay

Summary: Callie, unlike Mark, has successfully managed to avoid screwing up her bet with Mark about sleeping with hot interns. She has not so far slept with Sadie. So what happens when the hot intern that Mark is lusting over drags her into a closet and demands that she kiss her? Can willpower only go so far?

"Whoa," Says Callie as Lexie pulls her into a nearby supply closet.

"Hey I need your help you like boys and girls right"

"Where did you hear that, THREE?" Asks Callie

"Christina told Meredith who told Sadie who told me that Hahn is gone because she was your girlfriend but you guys took a break and she moved away right?" Says Lexie.

"Wow," says Callie.

"Anyways I need your help, how did you know you liked girls?" Asks Lexie.

"And stop calling me THREE," Says Lexie.

"Okay Little Grey, do you think you might like girls? Asks Callie.

"Yeah no maybe I don't know, I like boys too but maybe I like girls how can you tell?" She pleads.

"Well, is there someone you think you might like?" Asks Callie.

"No! Well yeah" Says Lexie shyly.

"Look there's, the other day there's this person who shall remain anonymous and just every time I'm around them I just feel all hot and tingly inside and warm on the outside and I just think she's the coolest a bit reckless but so do you know in a bad girl kind of badass kind of way and -"

"So... you're attracted to her," Says Callie.

"And she's smart and pretty and funny and blonde. Oops and I just feel like I have to impress her even though she's an intern like she's doing better than me even though she just started - SHOOT!" Says Lexie as she realized she revealed the identity of her crush.

"Sadie IS hot," says Callie.

"I find that comforting? Says Lexie.

"I'm not going to steal her Lexipedia, she's an INTERN. I'm a senior resident. I'm a bit past that. Even if she IS flirty" says Callie.

"She flirts with you so she's like, gay or something!" Exclaims Lexie.

"Appears so," says Callie.

"Wow that's so cool she's so edgy!" Says Lexie excited.

"So what's the problem here?" Says Callie.

"I just, I want to be sure you know if she's a real lesbian I don't want to play games with her if I don't know. That's not fair. What did you do when you were questioning?" Says Lexie.

"Well, I kissed a girl twice then I slept with Mark and then I slept with a girl twice and I realized I liked both of them. And Mark was supportive but the girl not so much because she considered it cheating so I wouldn't recommend testing out your lesbian life on the lesbian you actually want" Says Callie.

"So, but I still don't know if I'm really attracted to her like, sexually?" Says Lexie.

"Do you think about her sexually?" Says Callie.

"Umm," Says Lexie.

"I won't tell," says Callie.

"Well I'm embarrassed that's all," says Lexie.

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