Tedros x Sophie (Tophie)

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Me: Hey guys, we got a note! *waves note in front of their faces*

Dot: Yay! Open it!

*opens note and reads ship*

Me: Oooo, we got a ship that Tedros specifically suggested!

Tedros: Whoop whoop!! Wait a second.....I never suggested a shi-

*claps hands in air twice*
*a big title appears with the words 'Tophie' on it*
*spotlights appear on Sophie and Tedros*

Me: Surprise! *jazz hands*

Agatha: Just, no.

Sophie: I'm in two ships in a row! That must be a world record or something.

Tedros: *faints*

Sophie: What a dramatic baby.

Me: Do you guys ship or not?

Agatha: Absolutely not.

Hester: No, I wouldn't be able to handle Tedros-obsessed Sophie again.

Anadil: No.

Nicola: Not really.

Hort: No, Sophie deserves someone better.

Sophie: Agreed.

Kiko: I think they're better off not together.

Dot: I kinda ship....

Agatha: *gasps loudly*

Dot: They're just really cute together...

*Kiko holds Agatha back*

Me: And I don't ship. *snaps fingers to bind Agatha to a chair*

Sophie: Make sure to comment what ship you'd like to see next.

Nicola: Bye.

SGE characters react to SGE shipsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt