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"Are you sure about this Ben? I mean, this is a big step to getting change in this state but it could go terribly wrong?" Elianna asks Ben as they walk down the corridor at school.

"Anna, it's the best decision there is. I want everyone in this state to be allowed to be who they are and I can't do that if I don't open up the Isle," Ben says. "Every time I look over there, I feel as if we've abandoned them."

"You're telling me," Elianna says.

"And I just feel that bringing these kids here, we'll be able to get past the fact that there's more than just the villains on that island, but children who have done nothing." Ben says.

"Hey, I was just asking. Besides, I fully support you in what you've decided, I just think that with the next lot of kids, you have to be careful. We don't know what they're all capable of and I'm pretty sure that some of their parents, or most of the parents on that island don't care for their kids." Elianna says.

"Well then we've got to give them an extra special welcome then, won't we." Ben says. They stop walking as they reach outside so that Elianna and Ben can get things out of their lockers, luckily enough their lockers are next to each other's.

"So you want me, as apart of the welcoming committee to see if I can get something sorted out?" Elianna asks.

"If you don't mind, Anna. That would be amazing," Ben says.

"Well, I'll see what I can get sorted for Wednesday. By the way, when does your mum want me to go and see her so we can go to the church and I can put some ice chandeliers up?" she asks Ben as they shut their lockers.

"Uh. This weekend might be best because mum and dad are a bit busy this week trying to sort everything else out for my coronation," Ben says.

"Tell your mum that I'll see her Saturday then. But I've got to get to lesson. I'll see you later Ben." Elianna says and with that, she walks back through the doors she and Ben had walked through before heading to her next class for the day.


Two days later, Elianna stands outside of the school with Ben and Audrey stood next to her, well, Audrey's hanging off Ben more than anything. "Thanks for all of this, Anna. You're the best," Ben tells her.

"It's nothing Ben. Besides, we've got to do the best to give these people a good first impression," Elianna says.

"You have a pure heart, Elianna. I hope you remember that." Elianna hears someone say behind her so she turns around to see Fairy Godmother walk towards them.

"I will, Fairy Godmother," Elianna says before turning back around to see a black limo starting to pull in. "Oh, there coming. Doug. Go."

And with that, the bad begin to play as the limo drives closer until coming to a stop in front of the four of them. Dan, the limo driver, walks out of the limo, walking around the from before grabbing the door and opening it for two people to fall out of the door, both fighting over something that they want. "Leave it as you found it," Fairy Godmother sings. "And by that, I mean just leave it."

Two girls step out of the car as Fairy Godmother says this. One has bright blue hair supporting an all blue outfit and a red bag hanging from her shoulder. Must be Evil Queen's daughter. The other has purple hair supporting a blue and green jacket and purple pants. This must be Maleficent's daughter then. The boys throw the stuff back into the limo before the door is shut and they're stood in front of four VKs. There two guys stood behind the girls. One has white hair with a red, white and black outfit on. Must be Cruella's son. The other guy has long brown hair, a red beanie on over it whilst wearing a yellow and blue outfit. He must be Jafar's son.

"Hello, foxy," Jafar's son says, stalking his way over to them, mainly directing it at Audrey. "The name's Jay."

"Good to know I can put a name to the face," Elianna says to him before waving her hand so he gets back in line with the other VKs.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep," Fairy Godmother says. "I'm Fairy Godmother. Headmistress."

"The fairy godmother? As in, bibbidi-bobbidi-boo?" Maleficent's daughter asks.

"Bibbidi-bobbidi. You know it," Fairy Godmother says.

"Yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared out of nowhere, with that sparkly wand and that warm smile. And that sparkly wand," Maleficent's daughter says, making Elianna look at her, slight confusion at what she is saying.

"That was a long time ago. And as I always say, 'Don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future!" Fairy Godmother whispers.

"It's so great to finally meet you all," Ben begins, walking in front of Fairy Godmother with Audrey and Elianna. "I'm Ben."

"Prince Benjamin. Soon to be king," Audrey says, awing at this.

"You had me at Prince. My mom's a Queen, which makes me a princess," the Evil Queens daughter says, stepping forwards in front of the three. This causes Audrey to laugh, making Elianna mentally roll her eyes at the pink princess.

"The Evil Queen has no royal status here and neither do you," Audrey says.

"Uh, actually. The Evil Queen married Snow White's father, making her a Queen and her title was never actually revoked when she went to the Isle, so technically she is a princess," Elianna says. Silence rings across the eight people but the Evil Queen's daughter looks over at Elianna before mouthing a quick 'thank you' which causes Elianna to nod her head at her.

"This is Audrey," says Ben.

"Princess Audrey. His girlfriend. Right, Bennyboo?" asks Audrey.

And this is Elianna-" Audrey cuts him off yet again.

"Princess Elianna. Daughter of Queen Elsa," she says. Elianna sighs.

"Ben, Audrey and Elianna are going to show you all around and I'll see you tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut!" Fairy Godmother says. "But the library hours are from eight to eleven. And as you already have heard, I have a little thing about curfew's."

And with that, Fairy Godmother walks off from the group, leaving the seven of them stood there for a few seconds. "It is so, so, so good to finally meet you all," Ben begins, breaking the silence and walking forwards to greet the VKs. He goes to shake Jay's hand yet instead of Jay shaking it, he punches Ben in the shoulder. "This is a momentous occasion and one that I hope will go down in history." Ben says, continuing down the line to shake everyone's hands.

"Or the day that you showed four people where the bathrooms are," Maleficent's daughter says.

"A bit over the top?" Ben asks the purple haired girl. "So much for my first impression."

"Hey, you're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you?" Audrey asks, stepping up to the girl. "Yeah, you know what? I do not blame you for my ,other trying to kill my parents and stuff. Oh my mom's Aurora. Sleeping-"

"Beauty. Yeah, I've herd name. You know, and I totally don't lame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole kingdom but my mother to their stupid Christening," the purple haired girl says.

"Water under the bridge?" Audrey asks.

"Totes!" Mal laughs, her and Audrey laugh, yet it slow dies out.

"Okay! So, how about a tour?" Ben asks, clapping his hands once. Making Elianna nod her head before the seven of them head over to Adam's beast statue, well, man to beast. "Auradon Prep, originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school," Ben says. "By my father when he became the king."

Ben stands still, looking up at the statue before clapping his hands twice before the statue of King Adam transforms into the Beast. Yet out of nowhere, Elianna hears someone let out a scream causing Elianna to jump and a small snowgie pops out of nowhere yet Elianna doesn't notice. "Carlos, it's okay. My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible," Ben begins before turning to Elianna. "And Ellie, snowgie on the loose." He tells his friend, making her groan and turn back to Ben.

"Back in a minute," Elianna tells Ben before walking off from the group. "Come on Bruni. Let's go catch the cheeky thing." Elianna says as Bruni pops up from behind her hair.

"Does he shed much?" Maleficent's daughter asks.

"Yeah, mom doesn't let him on the couch," Ben says.

"So, you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon?" Maleficent's daughter questions as they begin walking into the school. "Like wands and things thinks like that?"

"Yeah, it exists of course, but it's pretty much retired," Ben says coming to a stop and Audrey wrapping Ben's arm around her neck.

"With the exception of me. I inherited my ice powers from my mother and I've spent my 16 years learning how to control them yet every once in a while, if I get ill or scared, small snowmen pop up and I have to go get them so they don't ca havoc around the school," Elianna says walking back over to the group.

"Where'd you send it this time?" Ben asks.

"Asked Gale to send it to the castle in the mountains." Elianna says.

"Right, now I need to sort some things out but I will see you lot soon. Bye Ben," Elianna says before heading to walk off but stops and turns back to the group. "Oh, Ben. You're mum asked me to tell you that we need to talk about next weekend and where people are going to sit and or stand."

"Alright. I'll get you from your room around three and then we can head over then?" Ben asks making Elianna nod her head before turning back around and walking off, Bruni coming out from her hiding place on Elianna's head and hopping into her hands. He chirps, making Elianna shake her head at the fire spirit.

"They wouldn't understand, Bruni. Besides, I won't let the VKs shake my powers and cause me to hurt anyone." Elianna says, turning the corner and heading into her bedroom.

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