Into the Night

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Run. Don't stop. I was panicking and running away. of all the estate my father owned, I needed to go the farthest corner of it. He scared me. He was yelling at our nanny. Father was furious at the fact that I was allowed to go off of the estate. Quinton Manner.

I ran to the piece of land that was cut with the river. It was about six feet deep. When I got there, there was a small deer drinking for the river. He was mine. I named him  Brave-Heart and he loved me. He ran towards me, and I petted his head. "I'm sorry. I don't have any food for you tonight," I whispered. I heard something moving around in the woods. I got scared. I drew my knife in fear. "Who's there?!" I yelled into the dark and heard the owls fly away. It came closer and was russling through the trees. BraveHeart ran over the river and darted into the darkness. I was a lone twith a beast in the dark. I backed awway from the direction of the noise and fell into the river. I swam to the deepest end and held my breathe.

Something else fell in. I opened my eyes abut was losing air quickly. A dark mass grabbed me and pulled me up. I tried to fight it and lost all of my air. I was brought out of the water and land on the bank. It was a boy! I crawled away from him. I was paralyzed with fear. My struggle was to get my words out.

"Who are you?" I brought myself to say. I saw his eyes. A bright hazel mix. He took off his shirt and rung out the water. He's vey handsome, I must say. "I'm Leo. I could smell you from miles away." His voice was husky and deep. "Who are you?" he replied. "You could smell me?" I questioned him.  He reached his hand out and to help me up. I cautiously raised raised myself. "That's a strange name," Leo laughed. "Oh No. My name is Claire." I didn't mean to confuse him, but Leo did frighten me. "But how could you smell me?" I said in thoughts. He smiled at me. Well, if I told you, you wouldn't believe me. I looked around for another person and Leo laughed again.

"Why are you laughing?" Leo smirked at me. I was racking my mind to figure this out. "You like the Twilight Saga?" Asked Leo with a smirk. He gentle grabbed my waist. I gasped and I could feel his grip tighten slightly.

"What if I do?" Trying to escape his grasp.

"Well, I'm 'Jacob' in a way."


"Animals fleeing. From the ground to the tree almost instintaniously. The strong sense of smell. I think all the clues are there, Beautiful."

I felt my back pressed against the ground. His breathing startled me and slowly tolled down my neck. His hands firmly place my own above my head. "Mmm, you have nice body. Can I taste?" His smile was on my neck after exaggerating the "c" of nice. I feel positive that this isn't going to end well.


I just hope you all like it :)


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