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It was the darkest of the night, where only the creeps and junkers were awake. However, small embers were just floating in the nighttime sky, which led us to where we were now. Your house was in flames. You had no idea who did this, but whoever did, will pay.

Everyone started gathering at the burning house, some in shock, and others in worry. You didn't know what to do, so you called one of your best friends, Aliera. Thank god you lived alone.

The phone ringed, and ringed and ringed. Finally, he picked up. "Who is this?" A raspy voice Responded on the other end. It made you blush, but this wasn't the time right now. "Aliera?, something horrible just happened," you started off, " Someone lit my house on fire," *you sniffled* "and now, I have nowhere to go. Can you pick me up?"

You had always relied on Aliera in desperate times. " of course, dear. In fact, for the time being, you can live with us." The now awake voice responded. "Oh thank you, Aliera. Thank you so much" you said. "No problem, mu dear. Now, go grab the stuff you did manage to grab, and I'll be there in 20 minutes. See you dear. Bye" "bye" you say.

You shuffle to an fire truck, which was holding some of your clothing. In fact, before the fire started, you were packing up to get ready to go to India. Thank gosh for that.

You retrieved your stuff and stood there, waiting for Aliera. Finally, his blue truck came into view. As the truck started to come into view, and was going towards your direction, you wondered who started the fire?

It couldn't have been your flammable cans, you had put them in the attic. It couldn't have been the Air conditioner, you had that repaired last week. When you finally came to, Aliera's truck was right in front of you, with Aliera waiting in the drivers seat.

He waved to you, and signed to to get in. And you did. Once inside the truck, he asked you a question. "Do you have any idea who could've done that?" He asked. "Not a single clue." You responded.

"Alright, go to sleep now, Max and Kenny wanted me to stop by and make a few trips since their night owls, and their horny all the time." Aliera says to you. "Fine with me." You respond.

You laid your head on your arm, which was leaning on the window, with the cold but fantastic freezing air slowly budging you to sleep with the other sounds of the other cars and the Relaxing vibration of the truck.


Hey, I started another book that I will try to update as much as I can! Go check out my other books plz! Bye!

Love you lesaliera ❤️

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