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I saw my 10 years old niece crying, so I followed and ask her what the reason is behind. She told me about her crush was rejecting her feelings that's why she cried. So I told her a story.

"She was visible, but invisible to the eyes of the person she love. Being rejected is not the most painful and hurtful thing a person can do to you, but it is being ignored and treating you as invisible. I love to tell you a story about how a girl turn invisible to the person she love even though she is visible." I saw my niece slowly stop crying so I continued.

"There was a girl who love reading a book. We name her Lorein Garcia. She is a second year college and a scholar of the International Hank Amidst. She is the youngest and the only girl among her four elder brothers.

Her father's a physician in the public hospital in Cebu City and her mother who rest in peace when she was only eight years old because of cancer. The eldest brother of her is working in the states, her second eldest brother is a Seaman shipping internationally. The two remaining brothers of her are pilot and doctor.

Because she loves reading and curious about politics, Lorein or Rein takes AB PolSci and planned to proceed law.

In her second year in college she met a guy in the university she's into. His name is Heinz Reid. He is a second year college like her but a transferee with the course of chemical engineering. The guy became so famous in the university, maybe because of his foreign features and beautiful physique.

As a young lady, Rein develop a crush on Heinz. He is known to be the perfect boy. Heinz is a musician, dancer, sporty, brave, family oriented, intelligent, the silent type guy, plus he is so handsome. His features are irresistible; thick eyebrows, long wavy eyelashes, and brown almond eyes - means his eyes are beautiful. His lips are red and fresh as rose, and nose is pointy and long.

But the thing is Heinz is a silent chick boy. Even though that's the case, lots of girls adored him and Lorein's one of them. Believe it or not he has a fan base in the school. He is a chic magnet and changes his girlfriend like changing clothes. He is known at that though.

They are classmates in some minor classes but he never look at her even a glance. Her brothers told her she is beautiful because she got the look of their mother but the thought that Heinz would not even dare to look at her even a bit make her confuse. "Am I really beautiful?" she asked to herself.

Rein always adores and think why math is just so easy for Heinz. In class discussion, even if Heinz is sleeping, not taking notes or not listening to the professors, he can answer the given questions correctly. So it comes to her mind that is not doubtful for Heinz to not have that kind of fame because of what and who he is.

Lorein adored him afar and up close. But she knows it is just infatuation, it is not intimate, and it will vanish soon. But that's the thing that she was wrong.

Fourth Year College, but still her feelings for him remained. It is the kind of feeling that needed a moving on state. This year, Rein heard that Heinz has a rumored long term girlfriend. They said he had met her when they were third year in college and the girl is a year ahead of us.

Many boys tried to steal Lorein's heart away from Heinz but she don't know why is she still hoping for the impossible to happen, maybe martyrdom is the reason for hoping?

Rein already know that she will be hurt if she will pursue the ineffable feeling but still she did. It is like she turned herself into a masochist. Maybe she is blinded by the truth and her head is still in the clouds.

There are questions she has for him that she long to have an answer like why he never looked at her? Why he never talked to her? They have the same circle of friends but why they aren't close? She has that thought since third year and maybe that is the reason why she hoped.

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