chapter 21

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Today was his first day of Winter break. IT WAS ALMOST CHRISTMAS! THAT MEANT PRESENTS! (Everyone mostly looks forward to presents, don't deny it. ;))

He'd be spending the entire day of Christmas with his mom so that he could spend New Years at Jason's. Thalia wouldn't be there, of course. Ever since the incident behind the school with Luke, the group just hasn't accepted her apologies. She'd be spending the night with Zoë and her mom, Artemis (who became a single mother after she realized the horrid of men. Zoë inherited that from her mom). Zoë is basically her new BFF.

In eight days, it would be Christmas, and Percy wanted to give Annabeth a gift: an architecture book with the words "Plz forgive me, Wise Girl" on the first page. All he needed to do was get her to stop ignoring him.

He sighed and went to his window. His house was only a meter from Annabeth's. He opened his window, which was right in front of Annabeth's, reached out, and knocked on her window.

She didn't answer. DING! That was a notification from his phone.

A: Leave me alone, Percy.

P: why? what did i do?

Read at 10:36 a.m.

P: annabeth please answer

Read at 10:36 a.m.

P: annabeth seriously. i didn't do anything! PLEASE ANSWER ME!

Read at 10:37 a.m.

It was no use. Percy knew that Annabeth wouldn't budge. But at least he could consult her on New Year's Eve, at Jason's house. She'd have to come. She'd have to listen... Right?

Percy sighed and put his phone down. What did he do wrong?

He took a blank paper and wrote:

Annabeth, I don't know what I did wrong, but I am truly sorry. Can you talk to me? Can you please forgive me? I want us to be okay again. Heck, I want there to actually be an us.

-Sincerely, your Seaweed Brain

He took the note and stuck it to the outside of his window, so that she'd be able to take it if she wanted to.

But enough waiting! He'd been patient enough and Annabeth never responded to his actions. Percy wanted to enjoy his days, not use them waiting for his Wise Girl. It was Winter Break! He should be having a worry-free time!

Yeah, he'd had enough of this. Annabeth would come around when she'd come around, and he couldn't change when or why. It would be her choice.

For now, he'd enjoy his time. He was gonna hang with the boys (Jason, Leo, Nico, Will; Frank couldn't make it since he left for Vancouver last night) at Jason's house in an hour, and decided to get ready.


That was fun! Percy hadn't felt so content in a long time. He loved his friends. He walked up to his room and changed into more comfortable clothes. He sat on his bed, took out his phone, and began looking through Instagram.

He refreshed his feed a few times before noticing that the note he'd left on his window was now on Annabeth's window.

He opened his window and grabbed the note from Annabeth's window.

It folded, with the words: "For Seaweed Brain" on it. He breathed slowly as he unfolded the paper to see what the message was on the inside.

".... ..     .--. . .-. -.-. -.-- --··--     ..     .- --     ... - .. .-.. .-..     .. -.     .-.. --- ...- .     .-- .. - ....     -.-- --- ..- --··--     -... ..- -     .. ·----· --     ... -.-. .- .-. . -..     --- ..-.     .-- .... .- -     .-- .. .-.. .-..     .... .- .--. .--. . -.     - ---     -- .     .. ..-.     ..     ... - .- -.--     .-- .. - ....     -.-- --- ..- ·-·-·-     ..     -.-. .- -. ·----· -     .- ..-. ..-. --- .-. -..     - ---     -... .     .... ..- .-. -     .- --. .- .. -. ·-·-·-     ..     - .... .. -. -.-     -. --- -     .- -.-. -.- -. --- .-- .-.. . -.. --. .. -. --.     -.-- --- ..-     .. ...     ..-. --- .-.     - .... .     -... . ... - ·-·-·- -····- ... .. -. -.-. . .-. . .-.. -.-- --··--     .-- .. ... .     --. .. .-. .-.."

Morse code.

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