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The female let out a deep exhale, opening the door to the room and peaking in, not allowing herself to fully enter just yet.

A few students were seated in the desks, widely spread apart from one another, but besides that, there was a general lack of people present in the classroom at the moment. She silently cheered to herself, allowing herself to finally enter the room before making her way to the back of the room. She placed her bag to the side as she sat, head rolling to look at the ceiling almost immediately after.

It hadn't taken her very long to find the room with the large signs marking each classroom door she had passed, making her small journey much easier than expected. She had anticipated having some difficulty finding the room, especially considering how grand U.A was in terms of size but was pleasantly proven wrong after a few minutes walk around.

She had even managed to sneak a small conversation with Mei when she passed by the support classroom, the pink female quite happy to see a familiar face on the first day. Although with some reluctance, Y/N had eventually agreed to spending the lunch period with her friend with more or less begging from the later person to do so. She hadn't been able to catch Midoriya but then again, she had arrived somewhat early. She would have to text him later about his day, already knowing he would probably start worrying if she didn't do so.

Her thoughts were shortly interrupted when she realized the teacher had arrived, causing her to remove her sights from the ceiling now. She placed a hand under her chin, her expression becoming a bit more shocked when she realized who the teacher was.

She was thrown off a bit, noticing that the homeroom teacher was none other than the pro-hero Snipe. It was a bit shocking to be honest, seeing him as the homeroom teachers to one of the general study classes. She would have thought that the pro-heroes would more or less be assigned to the other courses, especially the hero course. Of course, there was Power Loader in charge of Mei's class but it still served as a bit of a shock either way to her limited knowledge.

However, her own shock was soon overdriven by her growing excitement. She hadn't had much a chance to see a hero in person unless she counted when Present Mic had been announcing at the exam and what she could barely glance when with Midoriya. It felt like a different experience being in the same room as someone who had become a hero, especially one of the heroes she enjoyed from the series. Actually, she enjoyed quite a lot of the heroes now that she thought about it. They were all interesting in their own ways and not to mention their quirks. Sure, they did seem a bit average but the fact still stood that until last year, she could only dream of seeing how a superpower worked in person. It was just so interesting-

The female dragged her attention away from the hero, her cheeks a small shade of pink now as she refocused herself. She couldn't let herself get distracted that easily, not even if she sort of wanted to. Her eyes glanced around widely for a few seconds before settling on the tuff of hair that drew her attention away once again.

Ah, right. She almost forgot that he was in this class.

Class 1-C's most famous character now sitting a few seats away from her: Shinso Hitoshi. An interesting character in his own right.

The female tapped her fingers across her cheek as she tore her stare away and back to her own seat, not wanting to get caught looking. She frowned slightly, her mind already running against any protests she may have held.

She felt bad for him in a way, especially considering how he did get labeled as villainous for his quirk in his life. Anything that had to do with some sort of manipulation usually warranted some fear in people, the thought of losing their own control far too frightening of thought to bare. Although she knew how such a thing could warrant fear to its own right, didn't this universe kind of judge others way too quick? With such a precedent amount of villains around, shouldn't there be some sort of precaution to, I don't know, make sure their damn student didn't become one?

(OLD) Since I've Been Given Another Chance, Let's Be Heroes! | BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now