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Tuesday was a slightly uneventful day. He spent the day inside because it rained out. He left Harry alone so he could quickly get the chores done because he had to leave early to help his mom with baking for the market.

Unfortunately, they only got to see each other when Harry left after he finished. To Louis' surprise he came inside and up into Louis' room, (knocking this time) before he left to say a quick goodbye to him, kissing him extra longer than normal.

Wednesday was somewhat the same as Tuesday. It rained but this time Louis couldn't spend another day not hanging out with Harry. (And that kind of scares him).

Louis spent that day in the barn as Harry cleaned out the horse's stalls. Giving them each fresh hay and water. Louis watches his muscles as he shovels the dirt into a pile right outside the door. He catches himself practically drooling and embarrassingly, so did Harry.

"Stop starin' at me" Harry piped up as he throws another shovel load into the pile. He's still standing inside the barn to shield away from the wetness outside, but his skin is wet from sweat.

Louis huffs. "I'm not staring, I'm...observing" he nods "yeah, that"

Harry snorts, "observing what? Horse shit?" He raises an eyebrow at the smaller boy.

"Okay, fine, am I not allowed to check you out?" Louis asks.

Harry breathes in sharply and chokes on his spit, falling into a fit of coughs.

He recovers quickly "I - Um, No, you can" he stumbles out. Louis smirks.


Thursday was nicer, thankfully. The air was still damp, but Louis would survive because the sun was getting hotter by the minute. He helped Jenny in the kitchen that morning before going to bug Harry.

Which he successfully did, of course.

When Harry was feeding the chickens, Louis kept throwing bits of corn at Harry so the chickens would attack him. he kicked pig shit at Louis as pay back.

When Harry was trying to round up the goats into their pens Louis wouldn't let go of the baby goat which caused Momma goat to get angry, resulting in her head bunting Harry. Louis couldn't help but laugh at his pout.

It was close to the end of Harry's day with the barn chores. Louis was pressed against the apple tree by the barn, with a firm grip by Harry's hands on his hips. They were making out, quite feverishly.

It started off by Louis giving him little pecks on his cheeks as he cleaned up the fallen apples from the apple tree they were standing under. (Louis obviously helping, he's not completely useless) Harry tried shooing him away and Louis grabbed his face in his hand and tugged him towards his mouth. Harry melted into the kiss and now here they are, Louis has a branch sticking into his lower back, but he wasn't going to complain one bit. This was the closest him and Harry have been since The Bed Incident. Louis moves his hands that were resting on Harry's cheeks to wound behind his neck, he lifts his body to press harder onto Harry's. The kissing is messy, Harry not really knowing how to kiss with tongue, but Louis is trying his best to lead him, it's not completely romantic or cute to watch probably but it'll do because anything with Harry will do.

Harry removes one of his hands from Louis hips and sets it against the trunk behind Louis head and presses harder against Louis mouth. It's good. Too good. He can feel Harry's mouth against his, wet and they've finally fallen into rhythm his hand feels hot, holding his hip and then Harry squeezes him tightly and Jesus Christ.

They were hiding from the house by the huge apple tree, not that Jenny seeing them would be a huge deal, but Louis is sure Harry's going to get hard in 2 seconds if they don't stop. (Louis defiantly might)

"Babe" Louis says, getting Harry's attention, pulling away slowly. Harry's eyes are still closed, and his lips are shiny, and Louis wants to dive back in, but he can't.

"Why'd you stop? Am I bad? Be honest" Harry asks, blinking his eyes wide. He looks dazed and a small crease in his eyebrow has formed from confusion and waiting for Louis to answer.

Louis reaches up and pats his left cheek with his hand "No, you're great, amazing, stop worrying" Louis pecks him for good measure, Harry pushes back to start kissing him again and Louis quickly stops that. "should we finish up?" He asks smiling at the taller boy above him.

Harry blushes and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. That shouldn't be hot, but it totally was.

"Right, the apples" Harry recollects his bag of forgotten apples and steps back.

Louis shorts and starts picking up apples off the ground to help Harry fill the bag so they can be done for the day.

After they finished with the apples they headed inside, Jenny fed them supper and they talked for a bit in the living room about tomorrow. Tomorrow being the Country Club's first event of the summer. Louis was really excited to go, especially as Harry's date.

"You boys are going right?" Jenny asks taking a sip of her tea. Harry looks over at Louis who sitting so close their thighs are touching.

Nodding, Louis answers "Yes! Harry invited me, I'm super excited" Harry just smiles down at his hands.

"It's a great time, you'll love it" Jenny says towards Louis.

They talk for a little more about the event tomorrow, what to expect, old men dancing and women too drunk to stand. Louis is looking forward to it. Then, Harry announces he should go home, and Louis walks him out to his truck.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" Harry asks as they reach his vehicle.

"Of course," Louis clasps his hands behind his back and sways back and forth. Harry smiles at him. Louis then leans up on his top toes and kisses him. Louis is surprised at how confident Harry is getting. He's not as nervous and doesn't hesitate as much as he used to. It makes Louis feel...happy. That Harry is comfortable enough with him.

When Louis pulls away, he's abruptly being pulled back onto Harry's mouth, he makes a little shocked nose and Harry's kissing him again. Louis laughs against his mouth and wraps his hands around Harry's neck. The taller boy kisses him, one, two, three times. He then pulls back and just hugs him. His strong arms wrapped fully around Louis waist and Louis leans into him.

"You're very cuddly today" he says lowly. He wants to say clingy but doesn't want Harry to take it as a bad thing, because it's not, Louis loves it.

He can't see Harry's face from it being tucked on his shoulder.

"I can't help it," the older boy shrugs. "You make me this way"

Louis leans back and looks up at Harry, their eyes meet and Harry's smiling. "Hopefully that's a good thing?" Louis then asks.

"Of course," he pecks Louis one last time "I should go then"

Louis internally frowns, nodding with a weak smile. Not wanting him to go.

"Lou," Harry calls from inside the truck now, his window is downs and his arm is bent out the side. Louis looks up at the nickname. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay" he says. "Drive safe"

Harry tips his hat and smiles at him. Louis turns as he starts the truck and starts pulling away.

He's not sure he'll make it to tomorrow. 

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