Chapter 11: Proposal

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••• SEISHUU'S P.O.V •••

We are all here at Tokyo since my mother wanted to meet Midori and I hope she'll be kind towards her, also I've been planning.....

Seishuu: "We're here."

We all bowed.

Emi: "My little Seishuu." -she hugged me

Seishuu: "Stop it Mother." -I embarrassedly said

Emi: "Okay sorry." -she pouted

Seimei: "You must be Seishuu's girlfriend."

Midori: "Uh yes.... This is for you Handa-sensei. Its from our farm." -she bowed

Seimei: "Thank you." -he smiled

Emi: "Oh hello my dear." -they kissed cheeks to cheeks

Midori: "Good day Emi-san."

Emi: "I heard alot about you from Takao-kun and Seishuu."

She smiled.

Emi: "You're the first woman Seishuu ever brought here. He always brings guys so I was wondering if he was a gay."

Seishuu: "Mother! St-Stop that..." -I embarrassingly demanded as my cheeks go red

They all laughed.

Takao: "This is Kousaku-san and Kotoishi Naru-chan... Midori's family."

Seishuu: "These are my neighbors and my friends as well.. Arai Tamako, Yamamura Miwa and Kido Hiro."

Seimei: "You're son of Yuujirou?"

Hiro: "Yes sir."

Seimei: "I remembered you as a little baby boy in my fun days there in the island with your father."

Hiro: "Father sometimes talks about you, his good friend."

Seimei: "I'm glad to hear that." -he smiled

Emi: "Might we go inside and continue our talk on the living room."

We all started walking down to the living room.

Takao: "What the hell are you planning Seishuu?" -he whispered

Seishuu: "I didn't know too but I hope Mother will participate."

Takao: "I hope there'll be a miracle." -he sighed

We went inside and talked alot about fun things. Even my Father joined us and I was surprised. It was because of Midori's presence and the others too...

••• MIDORI'S P.O.V •••

Suddenly I noticed Emi-san went inside the kitchen.


Midori: "Can I help you with anything, Emi-san?"

I decided to help Emi-san to prepare the snacks for all of us.

Emi: "Thank you for helping me out. Its really good to have a woman in the house." -she smiled

Midori: "Having such a kid like Seishuu is a bit troublesome and lucky at the same time."

Emi: "He really is a crybaby and pessimistic at times.."

Midori: "I always end up being the prince charming and he'd be the damsel in distress."

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