This Wave Is Killer!

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Is all Eva could say as she sees Kenny gets knocked into the ocean. While mainly concerned about Kenny, Eva loses focus and wipes out. Eva then without haste swims back up to the surface. She looks around, panicking as she can't find a trace of Kenny. She then takes a deep breath and dives back down in search of Kenny. As she was looking for Kenny underwater, many thoughts started to pop into her head.

Is he ok? If not will she be able to save him in time?

As her fear for the safety of her new friend clouded her mind, we go to where we see Kenny waking up on top of an isolated rock.

"What the hell?" says Kenny as he looks around while also trying to recollect what hit him and as he tries to get up feels a searing pain in his side and looks to see a bloody gash on his side.

He remarkably fought off the pain so he could sit up and take a look of the area

As he was searching for adjacent land, he sees his surfboard floating in the water. Kenny then slowly walks over to the edge of the rock he without haste dives into the water.

If Kenny had to say how bad his cut stung he would say it stings like hell decided to turn up the heat another 500 degrees.

But he had to fight the pain as he goes to his board and sits on it as he tries to evaluate the situation. As he does, he thinks about if Eva is ok and starts to worry about her safety as well as the person who hit him. It took some time, but Kenny lies on his stomach and paddles to look around for Eva and the other person.

Back to the Shore

We see the ex-girlfriend of Kenny, Samantha, wash up ashore. She is barely able to move as she tries to call for help but could barely even muster a word. We see Bridgette walking along the shore with who seemed to be some fellow surfers when she sees something near the coast. At first, she thought it was nothing until her curiosity got the best of her and decided to take a closer look. As she gets closer, she sees a Samantha lying there struggling to call for help. Bridgette then without hesitation drops her surfboard and runs towards the teen.

"Oh my goodness what happened?!" asks Bridgette

"H-Help My-My B....friend" is all Samantha can say before she passes out

"Guys! I need help now!" shouts Bridgette to her surfer companions

"Whoa, what in the hell happened?" asks one of Bridgette's surfer mates

"Looks like she wiped out and I think she was trying to say that someone is still out there," says Bridgette

"Let's notify the lifeguards," says one of the other surfers

Bridgette along with her surfing associates then help up Samantha and rush over to the nearest lifeguard they can find. Bridgette also runs to locate the TD gang and have them help.

Back To Eva

Eva pops back from underwater as her search for Kenny is not bearing any fruit. She then looks around for any sign of land and sees what looks to be a buoy not too far from her. She swims over and climbs on it to get a better view.

She looks around and sees that land seems to be about a mile away. She then begins to take a deep breath as she prepares to make the swim

"Ok, you can do this Eva."

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