When Pigs Fly

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We are now inside an airplane in the first class section where we see some of the cast of Total Drama seating together. We see Geoff sitting with his girlfriend Bridgette and they are talking to Katie who is sitting next to her BFFFL is in the back of everyone getting some beauty sleep. Courtney is sitting next to Duncan and they are both arguing as usual, and last but not least Eva is sitting next to DJ. Almost everyone is happy and excited that they're close to landing in Malibu, California so they can enjoy their vacation. Eva on the other hand looks depressed and DJ who is her best friend sees that and looks concerned.

"Hey Eva whats wrong" asks DJ sincerely

"Nothing" says Eva

"Come on now Eva you can tell me" says DJ "I'm your best friend remember?"

"I know Deej" says Eva in a sad tone " I'm still kinda bummed about me and him"

"Look Eva Noah was a ass and we are here to chill and relax" smiles DJ

"Yeah I know that but look at Sadie though" says a depressed Eva "She can handle her relationship better than me and she's dating Justin for gods sake. The narcissist pretty boy"

"Look I know what you're going through is really messed up but try to relax Eva." pleads DJ "Thanks to that lawsuit we put on Chris we got this all expense paid vacation so you should relax and enjoy yourself"

"Easy for you to say you have Katie" pouts Eva

"True but come on Eva you are sure to find somebody" says DJ "Who knows you might find you somebody while you're out here"

"Yeah right" says Eva who isn't buying it "I'll believe you when pigs fly"

"You never know Eva" says DJ "You might end up eating those words"

"Oh really?" asks Eva

"Yeah really" smiles DJ

"Well whatever we'll find out who is right sooner or later" says Eva who then takes out her MP3 player and starts to play some music "For now all I want to do is listen to music"

We are now in what looks to be a room of a teenage boy. It has all the usual stuff such as a bed, a tv. video games, posters, and see a surfboard leaning against the wall. We hear a cell phone ringing loudly. We go to the bed where we see a boy rising up from bed to go get his phone. He looks to be around 15 years old. The teen has a black medium length rocker type hairstyle along with green eyes. He's shirtless which shows his somewhat skinny yet muscular physique. He is wearing red and black pajama pants with his glasses on. He picks up his phone and answers it.

"Sup?" says the drowsy boy

"Yo Kenny! you ready to start our summer job being surf instructors or what man?" asks the person on the other who sounds to be a boy

"Huh?!" says Kenny "What time is it Jay?!"

"Its 9:30 man" says Jay on the other end "Don't tell me you're just waking up man?"

"Yeah I am man" says Kenny panicking

"Look dude don't panic we have till 10:15 before we're late" says Jay "But you do have to hurry up though man we can't be late first day on the job"

"Sorry Dude" apologizes Kenny

"Its alright man I know that insomnia is killin ya" says Jay "I'll be there in about 20 minutes to pick you up. So make sure you're ready and your board and stuff aight?"

"Alright Jay" replies Kenny "See ya then"

Kenny then hangs up the phone and hurries to his closet to put on some clothes. He puts on a light blue t-shirt with dark blue jeans and red and white sneakers. He goes to his dresser and a silver surf necklace is there. He picks up and puts it on around his neck. He also gets a nike bag where he puts what looks like swimwear and other stuff in his bag. Since starting all that about 5 minutes passed

"Ok Regular clothes check" says Kenny checking things off "Swim wear check"

Kenny then puts his hand in front of his mouth and breathes on his hand to smell his breath

"Oh god F.B.O.(Foul Body Odor) check" says a disgusted Kenny

He rushes to the bathroom where he goes to wash his face and brush his teeth. about 5 more minutes later he then leaves out the bathroom where he bumps into a woman. She looks to be in her early thirties. She has long black hair with light blue eyes. She is wearing a blue shirt with dark blue pants with a apron over her.

"Hey Kenny whats the rush honey?" asks the woman

"Oh sorry mom" says Kenny "I'm just in a rush I start my summer job today at the beach as a surf instructor in a little bit"

"Oh yeah I forgot about that" says Kenny's mom

"Yeah Jay is gonna pick me up in a bit" says Kenny "So I gotta get ready before he gets here"

"Ok also just to let you know in advance breakfast is ready" smiles Kenny's mom

"Thanks mom I'll be right there" says Kenny as he then heads back to his room to get his things

[4 minutes later]

Kenny is now sitting at the dining room table and is eating his breakfast. While he is eating his phone starts to ring again.

"Sup" says Kenny who answers the phone

"Yo dude you ready?" asks Jay on the other end

"Yep what are you almost here?" asks Kenny

"Yeah I'll probably be there in a few minutes" says Jay

"Oh ok well I'm just about finished eating" replies Kenny

"Hey save me some!" pleads Jay

"Naw man first come first serve" smiles Kenny "Anyways I see ya when you get here"

Kenny hangs up the phone and finishes eating his breakfast. His mother then comes in to check up on him.

"Hey there" smiles Kenny's mom "Enjoy the meal brat?"

"For your information I most certainly did" smiles Kenny

Kenny's mom laughs a little bit and walks over to the dining table and sits and says "So all jokes aside you ready for your first job honey?"

"Yeah I'm ready but I'm really nervous too though" answers Kenny

"Don't worry about it Kenny" says Kenny's mom "It will all be fine once you're in the water. That always brings out the best side of you"

"Yeah you're right" agrees Kenny


"Looks like your ride is here" says Kenny's mom

"Yeah looks like" says Kenny

Kenny gets up and picks up his things but before he starts walking to the door his mother stops him.

"Uh uh uh" says Kenny's mom "Wheres my goodbye hug?"

"Moooom!" whines a blushing Kenny "I'm not little no more"

"I know but you will always be my baby" says Kenny's mom "So hug please"

"Ahhh Alright" sighs Kenny who then hugs his mom for a few seconds and lets go and head towards the door "Bye mom"

Kenny opens the door and he sees his friend Jay awaiting him. Jay has a fade haircut with hazel eyes. He has light brown skin with a muscular physique. He looks to be a year older than Kenny. He's wearing a black shirt that has red bold face letter that says "Geek Today Your Boss Tomorrow" with it black and red gym shorts and red and black Jordans.

"Sup Specs" says Jay "What took ya?"

"Mom" answers Kenny "Anyways lets get a move on"

"Alright don't gotta tell me twice" says Jay as he and Kenny now go to his car which is a black 2014 Chevy Cruze

Kenny puts his stuff up in the car and they head out to the beach

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